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Taxi drivers in Britain about why it is not easy to become a driver in Black Cab Taxi


Taxi drivers in Britain about why it is not easy to become a driver in Black Cab Taxi

Harry Gillman, 34 years old, hometown — Edinburgh, taxi driver


About career choice

I was not planning to become a taxi driver. Since childhood, I have been sociable, got along well with people, carried out conversation. After school, there was a choice to find a job or enter college. I chose a job because I never had a thirst for knowledge but I needed money for life. I thought people often use taxi services. And from that moment began to work as a taxi driver.

At first, I tried to pick up people on the road, but people did not trust a stranger. So I decided that I needed to become a driver of the famous black cab.

About the taxi industry in the UK

British black cab taxi is famous all over the world, and they are the trademark of the country and attract many tourists. Earlier, when I was just starting to work as a driver, our services were used not only by tourists but also by locals. The flow of people was great, and you could always count on the friendly attitude of the passenger and a good conversation. However, with the advent of Uber and other companies, things went worse. People no longer need to catch a taxi on the street, they do it from the comfort of home.

British black cab taxi is famous all over the world

Many drivers try to keep the traditional British taxi. I also actively participate in the actions, because this work has become a part of my life, and I do not want to lose it.

About working conditions

Traditionally, we work on shifts, get up in certain places and wait for customers. The average working day is eight hours. And we have two days off a week.

The work of the driver is hard, you have to spend a lot of time behind the wheel in one position and it can cause some health problems. Therefore, I regularly visit the gym.

It is not easy for beginners to get a job, as large taxi services take the main customer base. Plus, you need to pass a certain set of documents to show driving skills.

The average salary of a taxi driver is about 800 pounds. But it all depends on the company you work for and the terms of the contract.

About plans

In the future, I want to open my own company, and plan to retrain in freight transportation, as this market is more stable.

John Smith, 40 years old, hometown — London, professional driver


About career choice

I was born and raised in London, so I often saw black cabs driving around the city and helping people to move around. When I was ten years old, my mother and I went downtown. It was uncomfortable to go by bus, so we caught a taxi. The driver impressed me: kind, handsome, responsive. My mother talked to him all the way, they discussed politics and social life. It was all sweet and heartfelt. From that moment I wanted to become a driver of a traditional London taxi.

About the taxi industry in the UK

Black cab drivers have a certain social status, and residents treat us with respect, and we try to repay them the same. However, in recent years, the Internet and online taxi services badly affect our work. Every year we have fewer customers and the main customer base were tourists.

Black cab drivers have a certain social status

I hope that the people of Britain would not forget about the traditions and will help to keep the canonical black taxis that have become part of our history.

About working conditions

The main stage of becoming a driver of black cab taxi is the collection of documents and passing the test.

To become a taxi driver, you need to go through several important steps. First, write to the public transport office at Penton Street, London N1 9PU, 15 and request a package of documents. Second, get a copy of the Blue Book and start exploring the routes. The faster you learn the routes, the faster you can become a taxi driver. You also need to fill out all forms and send them back with a certificate of health and character, as well as a certificate of no criminal record. If your application is all right, you will receive an introductory knowledge package about London, which includes a DVD and a copy of the London knowledge guide.

You need to pass the necessary tests and oral exams. And you need to know all the routes and attractions to successfully pass all.

About plans

I like the driver work, so I plan to continue to bring joy to the passengers with a pleasant trip and a great conversation.

Mark Williams, 36 years old, hometown — London, professional driver


About career choice

Since childhood, I was interested in the technique, dismantled toys, old mixers and other kitchen utensils. When I was 15 years dad's brother came to us. He was an independent taxi driver and showed me his car. My uncle taught me how to repair cars, in the evenings he told stories from the trips. I liked his phrase: "a taxi driver in London is a good friend who is always happy to drive you." Therefore, when I was 18 years old, my uncle and I opened a small transport company, engaged in passenger transportation.

About the taxi industry in the UK

Black cabs are a tradition of Britain, a living mobile attraction of the country. The old generation respects the taxi driver and understands the severity of this work. However, with the development of online taxi services, traditional black cabs have suffered greatly, the customer base has halved, and the former status begins to fall. At the present time, few people are interested in a good story or a sincere conversation, and everyone wants to get to their destination faster. I understand this is a natural development of business, and it does not stop, but I hope that the good old black cabs would not become another entertainment for tourists and will also be woven into our daily lives.

Black cabs are a tradition of Britain, a living mobile attraction of the country

About working conditions

Work is sometimes between 40 and 50 hours per week but it can provide up to £23,000 with tax deductions. Do not think this is easy money. In addition to taxes, you are required to pay annual insurance of £1,600, also garage rental and repairs are expensive. In order to start working, you need a machine that costs about 28,000 pounds.

Beginners need to know that getting a job is not easy but possible. It takes considerable time and money to pass the knowledge — an in-depth oral navigation exam in London. The average student studies 15 to 30 hours a week for three years. Classroom instruction is available at the knowledge schools, and it can cost up to £40 per month.

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