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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

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Taxi booking services in Dushanbe for comfortable city travel


Taxi booking services in Dushanbe for comfortable city travel

Taxi booking services in Dushanbe allow you to order a car instead of hailing one on the street. Here’s an overview of six popular taxi booking services in Dushanbe.

“Olu4a Taxi”, @olucha.tj

“Olu4a Taxi” is an app from the “Olu4a Taxi” company that lets you order a taxi. The app automatically locates a car based on your position, and you only need to specify your destination. You can also track the taxi on a map, use options such as "order a taxi for someone else", or make a "pre-order" for future trips.

“Rakhsh Taxi”, @rakhshtaxi

“Rakhsh Taxi” is a service for quickly ordering a taxi in Dushanbe, with automatic location detection. The app offers both urgent and pre-booked rides, along with 24/7 customer support.

“Ecomobil", ecomobil.tvoe.taxi

“Ecomobil” is a mobile app for ordering electric cars in Dushanbe. It automatically detects your address and allows you to add preferences such as "air conditioning" or "non-smoking cabin." You can edit your order, chat with the driver, order a taxi for someone else, or use the "pre-order" option for important trips.

"YAK Taxi"

“YAK Taxi” is a taxi booking app. With it, you can call a taxi using address templates and the quick location-detection feature. The app allows you to track your ride on the map, communicate with the driver via an in-app chat, and receive information about the car’s arrival time, make, color, license plate, and the driver’s name.


“RAVONA” is a service for finding carpooling options for both city and intercity trips. You can find people who are traveling in the same direction.

“Asian Express”

“Asian Express” is a car booking service in Dushanbe. You can book a ride through the app and calculate the fare in advance. The app allows you to choose a vehicle based on the desired fare and preferences, such as the availability of a child seat or the option to receive a receipt. Additionally, you can view detailed information about the driver and the vehicle before your ride.

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