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Tajiks recognizable outside the country: artists, models, and athletes


Tajiks recognizable outside the country: artists, models, and athletes

Shabnam Surayo, @shabnamisurayo_page

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Shabnam Surayo is a Tajik pop singer, one of the most popular and well-known contemporary performers of Tajikistan and Iran. She is well-known not only in her homeland but in Afghanistan and in other countries.

Since 2007, Shabnam is UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador of Tajikistan, she contributes to the UN development program against AIDS.

Source: tj.sputniknews.ru

Parvina Saidova, @miss_fortuna

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Parvina Saidova is a famous supermodel, a mother of five children.

She won the title of Mrs International-2016 at the Miss World Beauty contest in Astana and received an invitation to work in France.

She starred in the feature film, took part in the music videos, and filmed her music video “Aladdin”.

Source: bbc.com

Tahmina Niyazova, @tahminaniyazova

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Tahmina Niyazova is a Tajik pop singer, winner of the Five Stars Intervision music contest in 2008.

In 2012, she finished working on her debut album “Nozi Ishq”, including songs in Tajik, Pamir, Russian and English languages. In 2016, Tahmina released the music video “Ti ne dostoin menya” in Russian and English.

The pop singer numerously participated in international music competitions and took the prizes.

Source: tj.sputniknews.ru

Sharofat Arabova, @sharofatarabova

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Cinematographer Sharofat Arabova is known in the country and abroad for the feature film “Tasfiya”. It was nominated at the V International Uranium Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro.

Arabova also filmed short films in Tajik and Indian languages. A young filmmaker dreams to make a historical film based on real events and film adaptation based on classic work.

Source: tj.sputniknews.ru

Alisher Akhmedov, @akhmedov__alisher

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Alisher Akhmedov is the five-time world champion in kickboxing and Taekwondo ITF, master of sports of international class. His masterstroke is a kick from a u-turn. He is an international class coach and a 3rd dan black belt holder.

Source: tj.sputniknews.ru

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