About myself
I am an idea person. I constantly come up with new projects, I quickly light up with them. I live in marketing, communications, advertising. I am inspired by everything related to creativity and the creation of new solutions aimed at increasing brand profits.
I recently heard the idea that we are all chasing time. In fact, a person has a lot of time, but often there is no energy. I am lucky because I am an energetic person. I can charge people around, motivate them, lead them.
Life is beautiful, so I love everything about it: the time spent with loved ones, the time when you develop and learn something new, the moments when you make new discoveries.
Life is beautiful, so I love everything about it
I love travel. I like to notice that people in different countries are similar, live with the same worries. Therefore, international companies often create global advertising campaigns that work equally well in India and the United States.
I love Uzbekistan. Traveled almost the whole country thanks to work. Every time I visit another region, I learn something new. I love Bukhara. I am glad that we have many resorts. For example, Charvak.
I like to compete. This is expressed in sports, in business. If something does not work out, I draw conclusions, I look for other solutions.
I'm a happy person. Important components of human happiness are health, family, children and a favorite business that brings income.
About life principles
The main value that I instill in employees is curiosity. If a person wants to work in marketing and communications, he must have a broad outlook. It is important to always look around, look for and find something new, follow what is happening in the world, what moves people.
Another principle is to love what you do. I sincerely believe that if you love your job, then you give it 100%, treat your colleagues and yourself with respect.
Third, be honest with yourself and with others. This is the foundation, because without trust it is impossible to create anything worthwhile.
In working with partners and clients, the main rule is mutual respect. We do not work for any money with people who do not respect our team. Our employees work hard to help the brand grow. And if the client does not understand this, we are not on the way.
I am an emotional person. Therefore, when difficulties occur, I can give vent to feelings. But then I write down all the possible solutions on paper. Because almost all problems can be solved. And it is better to consider all possible scenarios in advance so that not a single situation takes you by surprise.
About people in life
I am from a creative family. My father is Shahboz Nizamutdinov, one of the founders of the Yalla group. He was an artist, a man of art. And it was he who brought me up, laid down the basic values and developed a creative streak.
Walt Disney inspired me as a child. I also drew, so I was interested in his work. He also motivated me as a businessman who created a huge empire. Over time, idols changed. I learned about Steve Jobs, Richard Branson. Each of them learned something.
Of the Uzbek entrepreneurs, I like the activities of Zafar Khashimov. This is a wise and prudent businessman who knows how to competently invest in successful projects. I am also impressed by the Kazakh businessman Margulan Seisembaev.
I am open, I immediately let people into my soul. When meeting a new person, I give him full credit of trust. Unfortunately, over time, this credit of trust may fall. But initially I am open to everyone.
I have multiple circles. One of them is entrepreneurs and top managers. There is also a circle of advertisers and marketers. The third circle is friends, classmates. We are united by common interests and aspirations.
About activities
I have been in marketing for over 15 years. For about 10 years he was an employee of Carlsberg. For a year he lived and worked in Moscow, at Global Spirits. Gradually grew up the career ladder. In 2011, he left for Azerbaijan, where he was also responsible for the Georgian market as a marketing director.
In 2017 I returned to Uzbekistan. I saw that great cool changes began here, and the market became more open. Therefore, I decided to stay and contribute to the development of the country.
Marketing is a large area that includes many areas. But I am most interested in the field of communications. I like to study how people think, how they make decisions, what inspires them. Therefore, I dreamed of creating an agency that would come up with interesting solutions for clients in the Uzbek market.
In 2019, my friend and partner from Azerbaijan acquired the franchise of the international agency FCB Artgroup. I suggested that he launch a brand in Uzbekistan as well. At that time, there were no international agencies in our country at all, because no one understood why pay for their services. We were among the first to develop a culture of working with agencies here.
Now I am a managing partner and creative director of the international agency FCB Artgroup Tashkent. For three years, we have entered the top 5 agencies in Central Asia. We work with international brands, including: Coca Cola, Unilever, Henkel, Philip Morris. There are local clients: Agrobank, Aloqabank, Anorbank and others. We delve into each client's business, find cause and effect relationships and help them grow.
We are looking for the tone of Uzbek communication
The company has five main areas: creative and communication strategies, brand marketing, digital campaigns, PR, trade marketing. Our goal is to become the winner of the festival: Cannes Lions.
We are looking for the tone of Uzbek communication. Tashkent and the regions are very different. Somewhere communication is more Europeanized, somewhere rather primitive. We strive to find a balance, our Uzbek tonality, which will be close and understandable to everyone.