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Sanatoriums in Samarkand: where to relax and get health treatments


Sanatoriums in Samarkand: where to relax and get health treatments

Sanatoriums in Samarkand offer comfortable conditions for treatment and relaxation, combining modern medical programs with the charm and beauty of the local nature. In this article, we will tell you about five sanatoriums in Samarkand, where you can not only relax but also undergo wellness procedures.

“Daler Med-Servis”

“Daler Med-Servis” is a wellness sanatorium in Samarkand. Here, you can relax and unwind in a heated pool, jacuzzi, and sauna, while also restoring your health and checking your well-being. Medical services include the treatment of nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine system diseases. The sanatorium is also equipped with sports facilities for table tennis, badminton, and billiards.

"Abu Ali ibn Sina"

The "Abu Ali ibn Sina" sanatorium is located not far from Samarkand, at an altitude of 712 meters above sea level. The sanatorium’s territory is landscaped with trees and numerous fruit trees. It offers a wide range of procedures, including radon baths, mud therapy, a salt cave, phytotherapy, and physiotherapy methods. Treatment is available for children from seven years old, and there are entertainment options on-site, such as chess, checkers, and table tennis.


The "Agalyk" sanatorium in Samarkand is harmoniously integrated into the urban landscape. It offers comfortable rooms, medical examinations, and personalized treatment for various conditions and diseases. There are different types of accommodation available for visitors, equipped with all the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay. The sanatorium is also equipped with modern equipment for more effective treatment.

“Samarqand Viloyat Bolalar Maxsuslashgan Sihatgoni”

This children's sanatorium in Samarkand, located in the city center, offers not only relaxation but also health care. The services include accommodation, a swimming pool, spa treatments, and more.


The OQ SAROY sanatorium is located near the "Abu Ali ibn Sina" sanatorium and is surrounded by green trees. The sanatorium offers a variety of treatments and entertainment, including chess, checkers, and table tennis, ensuring a comfortable stay.

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