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Restaurants and cafes in Bishkek that serve Korean cuisine


Restaurants and cafes in Bishkek that serve Korean cuisine

Kim’s, @kims_restokaraoke


Trendy Korean premium restaurant with live music. Here you can taste Korean cuisine. Keeping the tradition of cooking, professional chefs were able to present these dishes in a new light.

Address: 98/2 Yunusaliev Ave.

Contacts: +996 552 542 222

Chicken Star, @chickenstarkg

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This place is providing the best quality locally sourced chicken and drinks. They are dedicated to give the customers the quality food, drinks, and the best experience of joy.

Address: 36 Erkindik Ave.

Contacts: +996 558 041 111, +996 770 041 111

Tatami, @tatami_kafe_kg


It is a great place to enjoy delicious Korean food. Here on the menu you will find everything from appetizers to main courses.

Address: 49 Baitik Baatyr St.

Contacts: +996 706 191 808

Silla, @silla_bishkek


The interior of the restaurant will immerse you in some aesthetic quarter in Seoul. The restaurant menu is very varied and includes the very best Korean cuisine.

Address: 149 Yunusaliev Ave.

Contacts: +996 709 200 600

Kendjo, @kendjo.kg


This restaurant embodies the best traditions of Korean Home Cooking. The chefs at "Kendyo" will cook everyone's favorite Korean dishes quickly, satisfying and tasty.

Address: 30 Yunusaliev Ave.

Contacts: +996 559 903 330

Gang Nam, @korean.restaurant

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They offer delicious food prepared with quality fresh ingredients. There you find big variety of sushi, soups, and many more.

Address: 30 Elebayeva St.

Contacts: +996 777 922 002

Korean Cuisine House, @dkoreana21

Korean Cuisine House.jpg

Here you will find masterpieces from chefs and the entire gustatory palette of Asian cuisine: gedza, kimchi salad and, of course, special recipe ramen, which are very popular in Korea.

Address: 21 Yunusalieva Ave.

Contacts: +996 509 443 298, +996 559 443 298

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