An illustrator from Almaty, Dania Dautova, talked about how much a specialist in this field can earn and how best to manage a budget.
Daniya Dautova, 21 years old, city — Almaty, graphic designer, @daniya.arts
About myself
I have been drawing since childhood. I studied at the A. Kasteev School of Arts. After the ninth grade, entered the college named after T. Zhurgenov at the faculty: «Graphic Design».
From the first year I worked as a designer in different companies, so I had extra income from my student days. Even then, I understood that my work would be in demand since everyone needs printed materials and advertising designs.
My work tasks include: development of infographics, layouts, visual content. In parallel, I take orders for the development of logos, brand books.
I like to work. It calms me down.
About income
The average salary of a designer is 350 000-400 000 tenge — $752-860, depending on the company. If you are a valuable employee, then employers will hold on to you.
Additional funds are confidence in yourself and tomorrow
At my first job, I earned 50 000 tenge — $107. Then I combined it with my studies, gaining experience. I always updated my portfolio, strived to be the best in the field. Developed a client base.
There has always been extra income. I receive about 30 design and illustration orders per month. There are also lulls - ten orders each. But on holidays, corporate clients bring good income. On average, this gives me 200 000-300 000 tenge — $430-645 per month.
Additional funds are confidence in yourself and the future.
About expenses
I invest in myself, in knowledge. I constantly improve my skills.
I like to learn. I spend money on various professional courses. Of the latest — Photoshop Pro, Indesign. I recently discovered courses on SMM.
There are also daily expenses: transport, mobile communications, additional purchases. Costs vary by situation. It happens that decent amounts are spent on large purchases or gifts for loved ones.
I prefer to put my salary on deposit. My regular expenses are covered by income from additional orders — the same 200 000-300 000 tenge.
About budgeting
I like keeping a budget. I used to do it in a notepad, wasted a lot of time. Now I keep it in a Google spreadsheet and always know in advance how much I will spend per month.
In the Google-table, you can set up income and expense items, highlight the necessary parameters with color. If everything is done correctly, the program will automatically start summing up using algorithms. It's comfortable. Takes two or three minutes a day.
The figures are indicated at the exchange rate as of 07/04/2022.