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Our people in the world. Girl from Uzbekistan about life in Europe and why the Poles do not worry about the future


Our people in the world. Girl from Uzbekistan about life in Europe and why the Poles do not worry about the future

Camilla Babadzhanova, 28 years old, hometown — Tashkent, clinical psychologist


Tashkent — Warsaw

Since graduation, I have wanted to study in Europe but hasn't moved at the age of 18. I graduated from a bachelor's degree in Pedagogical University, worked as a psychologist in a private school "Leader". I wasn't satisfied by the level of vacancies and offered wages when I looked for a job in Tashkent. I used to get a decent salary for work, and I believe work should be paid accordingly. Therefore, I was thinking again about studying abroad.

I wrote to the Dean's office at the University of Vienna that I want to study for a master's degree. They said I should graduate from a master's degree in one of the European countries and try to enter Vienna for a PhD. This answer motivated me and contacted the Agency that sent students to study abroad, and I was offered Poland. I never considered this option, but I was interested in the faculty of clinical psychology. Therefore, a few months later I was in Warsaw and fell in love with this country.

About difficulties and first impressions


I flew to Poland with a curator who helped me at first-time. There was no difficult period of adaptation, and everything was easy. At that time I was 26 years old, wasn't afraid to live alone, without family.

After sunny Tashkent, I experienced a storm of emotions facing real cold

The Warsaw weather surprised me. After sunny Tashkent, I experienced a storm of emotions facing real cold. Two years later, I used to such weather. Although the Warsaw wind is a test.

About life in Poland

In Poland, everything is different. This does not mean that in Tashkent everything is bad, but the perception of reality is different. In Warsaw, I started to breathe and live freely, without looking back.


People here have different eyes — not bothered and sad, as in Tashkent. People do not worry that tomorrow they might be fired, do not think what they will eat and whether there is enough money for food. The standard of living is decent. In Tashkent, our people are constantly in care and thinking about tomorrow.

People here have different eyes — not bothered and sad, as in Tashkent

In Warsaw, no one cares about how do you look, in transport, on the street no one will look at you disapprovingly, even if you look weird. I can't say the poles are rude or cold. I've never faced such an attitude.

About education

First months at University was difficult. Complex lectures on clinical psychology were in academic English. Then it became easier.


I was surprised by the attitude of teachers to students. They treated us as colleagues, communicated on equal terms. This increases the motivation to learn. Here teachers can present information in presentations. They are not engaged in copy-paste and add personal comments, opinions, experience from personal practice. Also lecturers in parallel with teaching conduct private practice. Most of the study based on their case studies with patients.

About work

I'm at the thesis defence stage. I chose a difficult topic, and it takes a lot of time and effort to make decent research work.

I combine my preparation for the defence with my work at Accenture. After the defence, I plan to urgently finish my PhD and start working in my speciality.


Recently I started to cooperate with AMBASADOR Education Center — we help students to enter Polish universities. I am a representative of Uzbekistan, but I am also approached by guys from other CIS countries. I can most honestly and openly show and tell the students what is expecting them and what to be ready for.

Poland has a strict regime of the working day. If it ends at five o'clock in the evening, then exactly at this time everyone leaves. Overtime is possible only with employee agreement.

In Tashkent, people have begun to understand that after work or on weekends you need to unload. In Poland, rest on the weekends is the law. People in Warsaw know how to relax and unwind. Everyone goes out of town or picnics.

How the move has changed her

I learned to appreciate the time, to cherish it.

I became more self-respect. I like that people here get a decent reward for work.

I learned to appreciate the time, to cherish it

In Warsaw, people try to live and do business according to the law.


After three years of living in Poland, I realized that the lack of knowledge of the language is not a reason to stop if you want to move.

It is not necessary to invest time and money to study. It is important to invest in yourself, so you can get a lot more.

It is necessary to practice and not to wait until you get a higher education. It is better to look for internships in the field you want to. This will help you understand if the profession is suitable for you, as well as develop special skills.

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