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New Tashkent. Urban spaces and events for modern nomads


New Tashkent. Urban spaces and events for modern nomads

10 places in Tashkent for progressive citizens and guests of the city who are looking for unusual art spaces, cool events and inspiring places.

Centre for Contemporary Arts, @cca_tashkent

The Center for Contemporary Art is a space for the development and support of contemporary culture in Central Asia.

Master classes for children and adults are held here every week, film screenings, lectures and exhibitions of artists from Central Asia are conducted.

The main goal is the development of contemporary art and cultural practices in Uzbekistan, the formulation of new interpretation and understanding of the artistic heritage of the region.

139 Documentary Center, @139documentarycenter


The gallery became the first public space where art tells about the current and modern concepts.

The space supports and develops critical and non-standard thinking. People gather here with whom you can talk about contemporary art.

Mark Weil Theater Ilkhom, @ilkhom.theatre


The first independent theater in Uzbekistan is an experimental studio for young people.

The masters of the studio are leading actors of the theater, professional teachers, highly qualified specialists of various profiles. Here you can see amazing performances of theater artists.

Human House, @humanhousegallery


This is an art gallery and showroom where you can find exclusive products of designers and artisans from all over Central Asia: clothes, shoes, home furnishings, tableware, souvenirs.

Educational and cultural events are also held here.

Teplo, @teplostore_2022, @teplomarket_

Teplo is a festival of local brands. The market is aimed at the development of the creative industry. Here every representative of the sphere can declare himself, get to know other people, show what he can do.

There is also a store-space Teplo, where brands are represented on a permanent basis.

Taras Shevchenko Street


A business center where there are many establishments, shops, restaurants, coworking and business centers. You can come here to feel the rhythm of modern Tashkent, enjoy the atmosphere of the city and look into the most popular coffee shops and boutiques.

If you need to make an appointment, feel free to choose this area.

moc, @moc__org


A creative production center that organizes cool events in Tashkent.

One of the events they hold is Moc Fest, a festival of festivals. The independent holiday lasts for two months and includes many different genres, projects and people.

Besh Qozon, @beshqozon

A place that is definitely worth visiting in Tashkent, if you are not interested in trendy coffee shops and restaurants.

Here you will be able to get into the local culture and appreciate Uzbek cuisine.

Kanishka, @kanishka_dsgn

One of the most popular brands in Uzbekistan. The team employs more than 100 people. They create cool products from natural materials. If you are looking for an original gift from Tashkent, you should look into their boutique.

Triftstore, @triftstore

If you like flea markets and second-hand shops, you can look into Triftstore. Stylish place positions itself as a platform of conscious secondary consumption.

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