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Movies that will help you learn and better understand the culture of Central Asia and Transcaucasia


Movies that will help you learn and better understand the culture of Central Asia and Transcaucasia


Myn Bala, 2012

A historical saga about bloody Kazakh-Dzhungharian wars. The action takes place in the first half of the eighteenth century, a pivotal era for Kazakh people struggling for their independence.

Tomiris, 2019

This is the story of the life of the great queen of the steppe. She is destined to become a skillful warrior, survive the loss of close people and unite the Saka tribes under her authority.


KökBörü: Game of the Tough, 2018

One of the most beautiful films about the national sport. The film tells about the unity of the villagers, the relationship between father and son, touches on the problem of corruption, the role of the media, love, and betrayal.

Kurmanjan datka, Queen of the mountains, 2014

In the period from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 19th century, when women in Central Asia had no rights, Kurmanzhan appeared - a woman who, thanks to her wisdom and strong-willed character, came to power in her country and saved the nation from complete collapse.


Pirosmani, 1969

Niko Pirosmanashvili was a self-taught painter and the film directed by Giorgi Shengelaia follows the story of his life.Currently, the masterpieces of Niko Pirosmani alongside six canvases by Vincent van Gogh are showcased at the Van Gogh’s Museum in Arles, France.

Blue Mountains, or Unbelievable Story, 1983

The film, directed by Eldar Shengelaia, represents a political satire.Protagonist tries to publish his books in the Soviet-controlled bureaucracy of Georgia and gets neglected at every turn.The film was selected for screening as part of the Cannes Classics section at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival.


Earthquake, 2016

A dramatic film about a large-scale earthquake that took place in Armenia in December 1988.

The Colour of Pomegranates, 1969

This film is a magical portrait of Armenian folk tradition. It will take you on a bewildering journey across centuries of Armenian history in just 77 minutes.


Ali and Nino, 2016

A boy from Baku falls in love with a girl from neighboring Georgia. The drama follows their story in Baku during World War One and after Azerbaijan declared their independence from the Russian Empire in 1918.

Amazing Azerbaijan, 2012

Amazing Azerbaijan pulls back the glittery facade that this oil-rich nation presented to the world when hosting Eurovision 2012, telling personal stories of human rights abuses to which Europe's leaders have turned a blind eye.

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