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Michelin star chef from France about his work, dinner party in Astana and Kazakhstan


Michelin star chef from France about his work, dinner party in Astana and Kazakhstan

Chef David Hemmerle has worked in France, Brazil and Dubai, opened some establishments and received a Michelin star. He recently hosted a dinner party at The Ritz-Carlton, Astana. We talked with him about activities and impressions from Kazakhstan.

David Hemmerle, city — Moscow, chef of Grand Cru restaurant


About myself

I came from a small town in Alsace, near to Germany. My grandfather was the mayor, and we often went to a local restaurant, had family dinners, spent holidays. I remember that the cook often came up to our table, greeted grandfather. One day I asked to see the kitchen. I was nine years old. I clearly remember the first impression — everything was so big and beautiful. Few years later, I met a guy who worked there as an apprentice cook. He was just about to get a promotion, so I took his place. This is how my career begun. It would seem that an accidental acquaintance opened the door to the profession.

At the age of 16 I went to Strasbourg to study at the culinary academy. I realized that I like to feed people, so I wanted to become a professional and travel the world. Five years after graduation, I have worked in different restaurants in the cities of southern France, and then went to Brazil. Together with the chef, whom I met in Alsace, we opened a restaurant in Sao Paulo. This was the beginning of my career abroad. After three years of work, I realized that I wanted to travel more. I opened a restaurant magazine, saw a vacancy in Moscow for a French chef and submitted a resume. So, at the end of 2001, I came to the Russia for the first time.

Many years have passed since then. I have worked in Dubai, lived in France again and returned back to Moscow. Now I work at the Grand Cru restaurant, where I became the first foreign chef to receive a Michelin star.

About activities in Kazakhstan

I represent the Grand Cru restaurant in Kazakhstan. I show the dishes that I cook there, the level of cuisine, culinary ideas. My goal is to show how French techniques can be used to cook local products.


On the first day in Astana, I held a master class where I cooked vegan dishes. It was interesting telling how to prepare a healthy meal with the help of few vegetable products. It is great to entertain and surprise people with unusual nuances.

Being a chef is a creative job

We also had an evening of French cuisine, and a day later — a brunch, where we presented family dishes.

Being a chef is a creative job. First of all, you need an idea. Then you need to choose the right ingredients and use them correctly. The end result should surprise both taste and visual.

The organization was managed by The Ritz-Carlton, Astana. The team showed a high level of professionalism. There are great people, good management and quality equipment. Employees love their work, so events like these are going great.

About people

People in Kazakhstan are warm, positive, always smiling. I learned this even before I arrived in the country, while doing a visa. The Consulate of Kazakhstan is located two hundred meters from my house. When I was preparing the necessary documents, I met an employee — he is a pleasant and kind person who warmly and interestingly told me about the history of his country.


I enjoy the local culture, staff and guests. I would be interested in traveling around the country.

About plans

It will be a pleasure to return back to Kazakhstan again. We are already discussing the possibility of organizing a New Year's Eve dinner. There is still time before that, but for now I am ready to come at any moment. I know that this is not an accident, and I will be here repeatedly.

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