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Launch of the “Youth as Researchers” project in Central Asia


Launch of the “Youth as Researchers” project in Central Asia

The launch of the "Youth as Explorers" initiative in Central Asia is announced by the UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty, in cooperation with the UNESCO Office in Tashkent, the International Centre for the Rapprochement of Cultures under the auspices of UNESCO and the National Federation of UNESCO Clubs of Kazakhstan.

This exciting project gives young people from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan the opportunity to participate in research on critical issues affecting their communities. Under this initiative, nine youth research teams have been selected to focus on five key themes:

— Promotion of Science

— Peace and Intercultural Dialogue

— Gender Equality

— Youth Mental Health

— Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Over the next two months, these youth groups will receive comprehensive training in research methodology, particularly in the social and human sciences. This training will provide them with the necessary tools to develop effective knowledge products containing recommendations on the selected topics. The results obtained will be shared with the National Commissions and Permanent Delegations of the participating countries to UNESCO.

The “Youth as Researchers” programme, part of a global UNESCO initiative, aims to empower young people to conduct research that addresses the challenges they face. By equipping young people with research skills, the programme encourages their active participation in policy debates and strengthens their role as agents of change in society.

Source: unesco.org

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