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Kyrgyzstan develops an Artificial Intelligence development strategy


Kyrgyzstan develops an Artificial Intelligence development strategy

The Prime Minister of the Republic shared plans at the Almaty Digital Forum.

At the Almaty Digital Forum, the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan, Adylbek Kasymaliev, announced the imminent approval of the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy. According to Sputnik, this document will serve as the foundation for developing local AI-based products, improving interaction between economic sectors, and addressing social issues.

Kasymaliev stated that the country has established a National Council on Artificial Intelligence, a key platform for implementing advanced technologies.

The authorities plan to systematically integrate artificial intelligence into state processes to ensure the country’s sustainable development and enhance its competitiveness on the global stage.

Among the projects already implemented, Kasymaliev highlighted the “Akylai” system, which provides citizens with consultations on legal and financial issues in the state language, as well as initiatives by the National Academy of Sciences and the High-Tech Park for studying water resources using AI.

Source: centralasia.news

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