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"Kyrgyz people are generous", — an American about travels in Kyrgyzstan, traditions, and favorite dishes

Aaron Odum

36 years, city — Bishkek, monitoring and evaluation specialist, linkedin


"Kyrgyz people are generous", — an American about travels in Kyrgyzstan, traditions, and favorite dishes

We continue to introduce you to stories of foreigners living and working in Central Asian countries. Today, we are sharing the story of an agriculture specialist in Kyrgyzstan.

Aaron Odum

About myself

I come from a small farming town called Springfield, located in the state of Georgia, USA. For a long time, I was uncertain about my career path until I heard about the earthquake in Nepal in 2015. That's when I realized my passion for aiding people in emergencies. I pursued a bachelor's degree in disaster management. I worked at a nonprofit organization, engaging in fundraising and event planning. Following that, I pursued a master's degree at Emory University.

During my studies, I discovered quality data for analysis and realized that I could achieve more by working in the field of community development.

About moving

In 2007, I was writing an essay about trade relations with China. During my research, I came across a country called Kyrgyzstan, of which I had never heard before. I saw a photograph of a Kyrgyz man on horseback. He had a large falcon perched on his arm, and the mountain peaks were visible in the background. This image intrigued me and remained in my memory for a long time.

Aaron Odum

During my time in graduate school, an opportunity arose for me to travel abroad and work in different countries. It was then that I decided to go to Kyrgyzstan. I conducted research on the country's challenges. One of them was the sustainable use of water resources by farmers. To learn more, I reached out to Professor Kulenbekov from the American University of Central Asia, who agreed to accept my assistance in conducting research in Kyrgyzstan.

I first visited the country in 2022. For several months, I worked as a lead field researcher at AUCA. Afterward, I returned to the USA. Later on, I sold all the items I couldn't take with me and relocated to Kyrgyzstan for an extended period.

About activities

I work as a monitoring and evaluation specialist at the non-governmental organization BioKG. We educate rural farmers on methods and strategies of organic farming. This is a more environmentally friendly approach to agriculture, where synthetic substances like pesticides are replaced with natural alternatives.

BioKG collaborates with the government to develop organic farming policies. Every year, the organization hosts fairs in Bishkek. They assist farmers in transporting their produce, which they can sell at higher prices than in their own regions. This provides a great opportunity for agricultural producers to make more efficient use of what they have grown.

Aaron Odum

My tasks include evaluating the effectiveness of various programs, seminars, and training sessions conducted by the organization. Additionally, I spent two weeks engaged in ethnographic research in different regions of Kyrgyzstan. I visited Taldy-Bulak, Kopur-Bazar, Talas, and Kun-Chygish. I interviewed farmers and mobilizers — individuals who disseminate information and work towards getting more people involved in the organic farming community. Now, I am tasked with analyzing the collected data to understand the challenges faced by farmers and how BioKG can assist them. As a result, I will be able to compile a report that enhances the potential of organic farming and provides rural agriculture with new opportunities.

This is crucial because every country needs a reliable food production system. My work will aid Kyrgyzstan in becoming food self-sufficient, allowing its residents to focus on learning, working, and progressing without worrying about food-related issues.

About Kyrgyzstan

My initial impression associated with Kyrgyzstan was the journey from the airport to Bishkek early in the morning. I remember how the rising sun illuminated the distant mountains. In my hometown, there are no mountains, so it became an impressive sight for me. We saw a shepherd with a flock of sheep, and then we entered Bishkek, which turned out to be a modern and developed city.

Hiking has become my favorite hobby in Kyrgyzstan

I arrived right after the celebration of Victory Day. Posters with holiday symbols were still hanging in the city squares. For me, it seemed like a scene from a movie. I never thought I would witness such a scene in reality.

Hiking has become my favorite hobby in Kyrgyzstan. When we were in Taldy-Bulak, I climbed to the top of the mountain, from which the river, horses and the rest of the world seemed small. The hike was challenging, but I will never forget that feeling of freedom.

About people and traditions

During our visit to the village of Kopur-Bazar, we stayed in a guesthouse. We were warned about a large number of guests since the owner had recently welcomed a daughter. That very evening, the local residents began setting up a yurt. Not one to stand aside from work, I volunteered to assist. My task was to help raise the poles that go through the yurt's top. The next day, we were invited to dinner. It felt as though the table had everything: meat, bread, fruits and vegetables, appetizers, and sweets. Despite being an unfamiliar foreigner, we engaged in a pleasant conversation. I felt like a welcomed guest at the celebration.

Aaron Odum

Another tradition that amazed me was the tea ritual. Before each interview, we would have tea and engage in casual conversations with people. The same would happen after the interview. I was accustomed to getting straight to the point. Thus, these tea gatherings felt unusual to me. However, this wonderful experience taught me that it's possible to pause, enjoy the moment, and then proceed to work.

Kyrgyz people are among the most generous individuals I've encountered. They are hospitable, determined, and ambitious.

Once, during an interview in the village of Kashka-Suu, we approached a man, introduced ourselves, and started asking questions about his water usage. At some point, he said something to his son who was standing nearby. Within minutes, the son brought each of us a glass of kumis. It's a remarkable example of Kyrgyz hospitality.

As for local food, I particularly enjoyed lagman. I also love beshbarmak and manti. Additionally, it was in Kyrgyzstan where I first tried horse meat.

About plans

I plan to focus on studying the Russian and Kyrgyz languages. I will continue exploring the activities of rural farmers in Kyrgyzstan. I aim to learn more about large-scale farming and Kyrgyz food companies.

As for my next job, I'm uncertain at the moment. I believe it will involve collecting and analyzing qualitative data. Nevertheless, I'm not limiting my possibilities. I will live in the moment.

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