
Recommend an inspiring person

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Konstantin Ryabov, 31, from Karaganda, Vice President at AXI International Product Management

Living in Fort Myers, Florida, USA


On employment

We moved to America in December 2015, and I was hired in June 2016.

We lived at my parents-in-law’s waiting until I find a job. I was searching for jobs remotely, wrote to many companies, but the thing is that companies prefer hiring people living not far so not deal with an employee’s moving issues.

My wife and I decided to change the direction in a while. Being an architect, she was invited to work for a company in Fort Myers, Florida. So we moved there.

In Kazakhstan I’d worked in the mining industry whereas there is none in Florida. I attended a job fair and gave my CV to the company producing fuel filtration systems. The next day I got a call and was invited to an interview with the engineers, a week later there was an interview with the CEO, whom we were discussing my working conditions for 3-5 days. That was how I got my job.

I started my career as a mechanical engineer, and now I'm a Vice President of Product Management.

On working conditions

The company is small and has 35 employees only. There’s no bureaucracy, which is not always good.

This is a new field for me. In Kazakhstan I was engaged in the engines repair, while here we produce equipment installed on the fuel tanks of those engines. Therefore, the knowledge that I received while working in the mining industry turned out to be useful.

As for working conditions, they protect the employer more than the employee, especially in comparison with the Kazakhstan legislation. A person can be legally dismissed at any time for any reason. In addition, there is no free health care, and people usually get insurance via the employer. Therefore, people hold on to work not to lose insurance, though even if conditions do not suit them.

On difficulties

I did not encounter difficulties. America is the melting point, e.g. our company’s owner is from South Africa. So I did not feel any difference.

On plans

Now I study at university, once a month I attend classes, and in a year I'll get an MBA. The work that I'm doing now suits me, so I’m planning to work here further.

Kamila Umralina, 34, from Aktobe, sales manager at TJX Company, Winners

Living in Grand Prairie, Canada


On employment

I thought I knew English well but I didn’t understand anything and couldn’t utter a word while talking with native speakers. There was a barrier. Therefore, I had to learn the language for a year and a half before looking for a job.

In Kazakhstan, I worked for the Halyk Bank, yet it was quite hard to be hired by local banks due to the lack of Canadian experience. So I decided to learn the system, gain experience, get acquainted with local management, communicate with people, and improve the language. I visited all the shops and supermarkets, sent out CVs, but there was no answer.

I asked for the help and the girl who was good at making CVs pointed out my mistakes. I met an experienced HR manager, who also revised my resume. I had to remove the information about higher education and work experience, as I wanted to be employed as a sales assistant. Indicating that I graduated from school and had worked in service, I was hired.

Recommendations are important in Canada. You must show the names of people who work in Canada and can recommend me. I gave the contacts of English teachers, whom they called. That was how I got my job.

On working conditions

You must attend trainings, and pass tests and exams before starting to work.

I found many friends there. It was a real success for me.

Everything suited me since it was my first job in Canada. We were paid for the trainings and lunch breaks. Working part-time, I did not have medical insurance, but was happy with everything, as I could make my own suitable work schedule.


On difficulties

I had to work for the store to practice my English and learn some peculiarities of living in Canada, although I hadn’t wanted to work there. I could not find a job for almost a year, so I was glad to be hired by the store.

Besides, there were language problems, because someone speaks quickly, someone has an accent. At first I did not understand many acronyms and slangs. It was hard, but finally I got used to them.

On plans

The company offered me a job in the city I’m living now, but I decided not to work in that sphere anymore. It was a good experience, and I had a former employer who could give me a recommendation. Now I’m planning to study and find a job suiting my specialization.

Ulzhan Zhazylbekova, 25, from Almaty, customer service representative at Lucas Fox International Properties

Living in Barcelona, ​​Spain


On employment

I arrived in Barcelona in October 2016 having studied in Shanghai for five years. Eager to learn new language, I chose Spanish, the official language in several countries. I pondered and realized that Barcelona suited my plans for career.

A business school in the career development department helped me find an internship to use my Chinese. Knowledge of Chinese was my ace in trumps in Europe, so I quickly found a suitable job.

I combined my studies and practice, and had a full-time job after graduating. The company agreed to help me solve some work agreement issues which took me six months. Now I have all the docs, and I still work for that company.

On working conditions

Lucas Fox International Properties is a luxury real estate company. Coming to the interview, I immediately realized that I wanted to work here. I like absolutely everything about my work: the team, the atmosphere.

At first I was an intern in the marketing department. We worked on a website, its optimization for the Russian and Chinese market. Then I realized that I was not having enough communication, so I moved to the customer service department.

I realized that I don’t like the excessive seriousness peculiar to Kazakhstan. I love convenience and simplicity in communication, clothes, and behavior. We have an amazing atmosphere at work. We laugh, joke, organize various team building all the time! I adore my colleagues, they’re my family. I easily wake up in the mornings and go to work with pleasure. Now I'm studying Spanish, this is my main task.


On difficulties

I did not use to speak Spanish, yet sometimes I had to talk to customers in Spanish. Our clients’ British accent was a real problem for me. Anyway, these days I’m OK with all that stuff.

On plans

I’m planning to work here for a year, and then I'll thoroughly think over my next step. I hope to renew my contract and visa for another two years.

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