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Askhat Ahmedyarov, 52 years old, from Uralsk

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Modern art is an unquenchable resource in various fields. For me, contemporary art has a great influence on sociological, political and cultural life.

Modern art forms, advances and awakens consciousness. Therefore, different spheres are seeking the help from modern art.

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Personally, experience and getting in touch with the world is important for me. The art which is isolated from social and actual problems is just ornamentation. Modern art is not decoration, it is hard work. It is a permanent contact with the public, work with the public subconsciousness. The crucial point is that art passes the problem through itself.

I was lucky enough to have good teachers: a well-known theorist Simakov Vitaly Arsentievich in Shymkent and Narymbetov Moldakul Sultanovich. No doubts, I had a good school. These two persons played a big role in my work.

Today I work with the Artios gallery under the direction of Dina Baitasova. They promote my work. Recently there was an apartment exhibition where I made performance. Also, in Republic prospectus there is a ground, where I sometimes arrange exhibitions.

Erbosyn Meldibekov, 53 years old, from Tulkubas


Modern art helps me express what I feel. Perhaps, it’s some kind of air for me. It is interesting to co-exist with art.

I studied monumental sculpture, where we were supposed to make Lenin’s monuments. When I was a senior student, the Soviet Union fell apart. The sculptors ceased to be in demand, but I had to go on living. That was how I came to modern art.



I’ve been engaged in contemporary art for about 30 years. I have many pieces of work, 30-50 of them are prominent now. It’s important for me to have an amount of works, as there are some modern artists who have a couple works at all.

One of the most iconic exhibitions for me was the last of Marat Gelman. It was crucial for me, because I started working in a different style, with different material. Another vivid moment of my life was in Hong Kong, in the Rossi & Rossi gallery called "I'm for you or you’re for me" or "Lost Paradise."

Saulet Zhanibek, 33 years old, from Astana


For me as for the artist, contemporary art is the environment in which I live, it’s my life. Modern art is freedom that an artist can afford. With its help we can express the thoughts, we can protest and provoke. Each of us has different routes and goals.

My work as an artist-exponent in KULANSHI ART CENTER gives me an opportunity not only to "cook" , but to contribute to the development of modern art in Kazakhstan as well.



I am an up-to-date person and I transmit my surrounding reality, though I do not walk in streets searching the inspiration to create. I’m inspired by life, situations, the people I met, love, smiles of random passers-by, music that I listen to. Most of my work was created under the impression of a relationship that took place at this or that period of my life. While painting I involve my brain, imagination. If the work is not considered thoroughly, it is empty. I’ve been engaged in art for as long as I can remember.

I have exhibitions quite often. I’m lucky, since my activity in the gallery is very conducive to my progress, both at the Kazakhstan exhibition venues and abroad. This is a great success for the young artist. At the moment I’ve got about 50-60 works.

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The most memorable event for me was the participation in the 6th Beijing International Art Biennale. The most brilliant work for me is the latest one.

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