Jamal Zhanybek was born and studied in Bishkek. After graduation, young woman moved to the States, where she entered the University of California at Berkeley. She shared her fascinating story of moving and told how her career in the IT industry is developing.
Jamal Zhanybek, San Francisco, YouTube Product Manager, @jjams_
About moving
In the 90s, when the borders had just opened, parents had the opportunity to come to the United States. They lived in the States for almost three years. My father received his master's degree there. Therefore, dad and mom were well acquainted with the American education system. From childhood, they told me how cool universities, campuses, professors are there. Therefore, when choosing a country to study, the United States became a priority for me. I have always aspired to be here.
And in 2010, after graduating from the Bishkek Turkish-Kyrgyz Women's Lyceum «Aichurek», I immediately moved to the United States for education.
About adaptations and difficulties
The first difficulty I encountered was the language barrier. I have studied English all my life. In the lyceum, all science subjects were in this language. I had theoretical knowledge, but no practice. Therefore, at first it was difficult to sit at lectures at the university. Everyone spoke quickly, I did not have time to grasp everything. Because of this, I recorded classes on a dictaphone. I listened at home and filled in the gaps. That helped.
Adaptation largely depends on which state you come to. I studied, worked and live on the West Coast. There is an international population here. Many students and specialists from different countries. Life in Kyrgyzstan differs from the local one in terms of life priorities, values, and culture.
Initially, I came to a small town in California near San Diego. This is a village about half an hour from the city. Here I saw a real suburban America — a suburb of a big city, where everyone travels by car, because many objects are far from each other. But everything is comfortable. There are bike paths, a beautifully trimmed lawn where you can sit and read a book, work out. All people smile, complement each other, and the cashier asks: «How are you?».
To understand the life, culture and psychology of local people, it is important to communicate with them more
To understand the life, culture and psychology of local people, it is important to communicate with them more. Maintain a balance between compatriots and Americans. The main advice is not to be afraid to ask questions, make new friends, be open to any experience. It is important to get used to the local rhythm of life and make it as comfortable as possible for you.
About development and career
I graduated from UC Berkeley in 2015 with a degree in Economics and Environmental Science. At that time, I was interested in the topics of global warming and climate change. Therefore, at different times I interned in various World Bank projects in Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. After graduating from the university, worked as an intern at the UN headquarters in New York for six months.
Later I realized that I want to try myself in another industry. After New York, returned to California and got a job at a startup in Silicon Valley. It was not difficult for me to find an internship. I was looking for a job and actively told my friends about it. As a result, a friend connected me with the right person.
At first I was a Project Manager, led a team. And later took courses, acquired the necessary skills and became a Product Manager. These are two different roles that are important to distinguish. Product affects the bigger picture, solves the company's business issues.
After that, I worked for other big companies and startups. For a couple of years was an employee of CBS Media Holding, and at the beginning of the year got a job at YouTube. I work on all monetization products. These are YouTube Premium, YouTube TV, subscription to channels from bloggers, super chats, super stickers and shopping. My task is to grow the number of buyers on Youtube.
Google is about teamwork. My team and I not only work, but also relax together. The company arranges cool events, appreciates employees, gives them the opportunity to be happy.
To get into IT and Development, you need to have some experience, train in startups, communicate with people, ask about open positions. Startups rely on guys who are interested in development, who are ready to solve problems and issues of the company and offer new ideas.
Google is about teamwork
In my industry, it is important to pump technical knowledge. It is also important to decide where you want to invest, what to study and where to work. To work in a great company, you must be a great specialist. Develop communication skills in English be able to express thoughts beautifully, make presentations and write well.
How did the move affect
I moved to the USA when I was 16, so I grew up here. When you live in another country, you are responsible for yourself. This teaches you to be resilient in defending your own interests.
It is convenient and comfortable to live in the USA — everything is for people. I'm glad I ended up here.