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«It is important for me to show Tajik culture to the whole world», — Tokhir Ibragimov about his activities

Tokhir Ibragimov 

city — Dushanbe, the founder of the association T&Z and Tajikistan Fashion Week, @ibragimov.t.z


«It is important for me to show Tajik culture to the whole world», — Tokhir Ibragimov about his activities


About myself

I am a creative person, standing at the origins of the fashion industry in Tajikistan.

I love travel. I like experiments. I get inspired by attending fashion shows and events.

It is important for me to show the Tajik culture to the whole world. This is a big goal that I set for myself five years ago. And I've been going to her ever since.

I am happy when I see how our country is developing

I am happy when I see how our country is developing, becoming more mobile and modern.
When we create cool events. Or when international brands and LUX class companies come to us.

About life principles

In work and in life, I have one main principle — to give all the best at 100%, to strive to achieve the goal in any way. I have a great team that works efficiently and smoothly. Each employee has certain tasks that he solves. And team members know that it is impossible not to complete the task. We need to find a solution anyway.


Therefore, when certain difficulties arise in life, I have confidence that I will find a way out of the situation. I understand that any problem can not only be solved, but also turned in your favor, benefit.

About people in life

I have a creative family. Grandfather stood at the origins of the Tajik stage. Grandmother is a philologist, candidate of sciences, TV presenter, radio host. I think they influenced me, developed my creativity.

Now in my environment, mostly people who are associated with the fashion industry, sales, beauty.

About activity

At school, I was class president. Organized many events, parties, holidays. It was the time when I formed the core of a good organizer.


I received higher education in Kazakhstan, studied as a customs lawyer. I even worked for several years in my specialty in the public service. But I left there and started a career in a completely opposite field — the fashion industry.

Now we are engaged in everything related to fashion, clothing, style. I founded the country's first professional platform for designers, Tajikistan Fashion Week. We have our own modeling agency TZ with over 200 models.

The main goal of T&Z is the promotion of world brands in Tajikistan. We are also working to promote young and famous Tajik designers in other countries of the world. Now Tajikistan Fashion Week is included in the international calendar of the fashion industry. We cooperate with all official fashion weeks in Central Asia, as well as in some European countries and in the USA.

My life's work is to create cool events, to promote our culture in the world.

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