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Inside Silicon Valley offices: free food, gym, game rooms


Inside Silicon Valley offices: free food, gym, game rooms

Alexandra Kuklina, 30 years old, hometown — Almaty, Moscow, regional training lead Facebook


About place of work choice

I studied at several US universities and dreamed of working in California, in the legendary Silicon Valley. Place where development engineers from all over the world focus the energy to create things that everyone uses. Here the maximum concentration of creative, ambitious and self-aware personalities. I'm proud to work for this company. The way to get a job was hard, I had to become the best of the best, pass all the tests and selection to become a member of the team. Now I got the coveted job under the California sun.


About working conditions

Offices planned to the last detail. I was told that Feng Shui specialists were working on filling the space. Here always spacious and easy. We have a flexible work schedule, and everything depends on the tasks and deadlines. The complication is the fact that it is difficult to get an advancement or high remuneration of work. There are many active employees, and everyone contributes, therefore, it is difficult to stand out. You have to work hard for that.


We provide by three meals a day, including dry cleaning and a variety of active games. Silicon Valley companies want to provide housing for employees by buying houses around and housebuilding. Facebook will build a special complex, including shops, hotel and supermarkets.

For us, everything is free — parking, food, fitness centre, laundry, hairdresser. You can work at home and come to the office only on important matters. When you are in a state of constant work, you quickly learn and develop.


Expenses for a road trip to the office can be reimbursed. There are special buses for employees. The high cost of housing in the region it is a disadvantage. Taxes and health care prices are also higher than in other regions. Therefore, the company is trying to mitigate all the circumstances for a comfortable life. We can stay at work for a long time because there is no fixed schedule. It can be 12-14 hours a day.


Table football is available in the break area. There is no working form and strict office suits.

Here is a relaxed and conducive atmosphere to work. The rhythm of work is high — we develop the product in one week. The company makes decisions faster than other firms, there is no unnecessary bureaucracy.



Others may see it irrational to use the space in such a way because the office should be a serious place. From my experience, I'm not distracted here. Our office is colourful and original, but every detail has its purpose. Nothing here is just for beauty and showing off.

Pavel Ostapenko, 28 years old, hometown — Kyiv, Apple design engineer

About place of work choice

I have been working for almost five years in the best company on the planet. It may sound fancy, but I'm glad that at the time I chose the place of work and found special programs. After that, I was trained and successfully completed the internship. Even then I realized I like everything we are working on and how. Everyone here is devoted to the work and the employer. I appreciate the opportunity to work on successful projects in a team with first-class colleagues.

Many Silicon Valley companies thrive due to corporate culture. Important to comply with all regulatory requirements, to be trained. Our company listens to employees and their requests. But at the same time, there are strict limits and no complete freedom, slovenliness. It is important to keep people inside the team, not recruit talented staff. Therefore, atmosphere creation in the first place. They blur the line between work and home.


About working conditions

Open spaces are created for brainstorming and all teams cooperation. Everyone knows each other. We are taught that failure is part of the process and an opportunity to learn from mistakes. Most of the problems can be solved by the teamwork. If such an atmosphere had not been created around work would have been harder.

The company can not award each employee by salary increase or bonuses. I think, in reward, we have a lot of benefits.

You can bring the dog to the Google office. During lunchtime, you can sleep or get a free massage. On the territory located about 30 different restaurants and cafeterias of different cuisines. For families, there is a life insurance service. There are special benefits and amounts of thousands of dollars for the children of employees.


In Apple offices, there are a medical service and a health clinic. Also, unlimited access to free apples.

This is the office of the future. The building itself is equipped with solar panels that provide us with energy. Fitness centre and different shops located on the campus.

I like there are a lot of greenery and trees around. Our yard is a large garden where it is pleasant to walk. There are volleyball and basketball courts on the territory. Different types of meeting rooms. There are many conference rooms decorated in different styles. Several game rooms.


The company provide us with good health, proper nutrition and stress relief. To work in Silicon Valley companies, you need to understand if it's worth it. Evaluate life goals and decide if you are ready to devote a life to the company.

Timothy Chavez, 24 years old, hometown — Rome, Google software specialist


About place of work choice

I had an internship in the MBA program at Google. I was attracted to the company for its scale and value of the resource. Products and technologies are used in every country. For me, the most important thing in work is people and team. The staff here are carefully selected, therefore, everyone is not only smart and capable, but also friendly and honest.

Meetings of experts from different countries often held here, it is a multicultural space. The most modern laboratories, workshops and offices are located in the entire area.


About working conditions

We have a flexible work schedule, so everyone can reach own potential. Due to many privileges and the environment in which we work, the company managed to create a creative and pleasant workplace.

The atmosphere of innovation is emphasized here. The company takes care of its employees. We have benefits for free medical and dental services. The offices have spaces for video games, table tennis, mini golf. On the street, there are a volleyball court and a swimming pool. For employees, there is an opportunity to visit the gym.



After working here for a long time, you perceive all the unusual conditions as normal. There is no much time for rest during intensive work on the project. It can be an hour, a maximum of two hours in a day when you eat and go outside from the office somewhere else. There are special chairs for sleeping.


Important that the company's heads are also always there. Their campus located almost in the centre. Between the buildings, you can move on special bikes.


Google is actively engaged in housebuilding. There is an acute shortage of affordable housing in the region. Everything is expensive. Even with a good salary, you have to choose a cheap area away from the workplace. But road takes a lot of time.

I like the atmosphere of constant work and inspiration of the employees. We all communicate with each other, there is no place for competitions.

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