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I work in Huawei. Advantages of international companies and $8,000 salary


I work in Huawei. Advantages of international companies and $8,000 salary

Vladislav Chizhov, 25 years old, hometown — Karaganda, Data science

About employment

Huawei is one of the largest telecommunication companies. I studied at the faculty of information security. And took courses from other universities in the world in parallel. There is information in the public domain on the Internet, but it requires knowledge of English.

I practised at Huawei from the university, and it helped me with my studies because there I acquired practical skills. I was invited to work after a successful internship. My secret is simple to ask many questions, listen to all the employees and managers. Make sure you're remembered.

My secret is simple to ask many questions, listen to all the employees and managers

About work and responsibilities

First of all, programming skills and good knowledge of the technological base important for employment. Everything depends on the position you hired for. You are assigned a specific project in frames of which to conduct research. You have to be careful and look for the best options. I like that everything is clear and according to plan. They say it is the influence of Chinese working culture.

About the advantages

The company appreciates new ideas and interested in training future employees. The advantage of large global companies in summer internships or training courses in other countries. You can choose a suitable option, not in your country, and go to study in England, Singapore, China.


I know that Huawei now actively manifesting itself on the Kazakhstani market. They attract talented young people through job fairs. And opened the Academy of information and network technologies on the basis of KBTU. The company cooperates with several universities in Russia. You can take their internship during studying and then stay on a permanent job. Now actively conducted work in the field of artificial intelligence. Therefore, everyone who understands the topic is taken on the job.

Maxim Vlasov, 23 years old, city of residence — London, Core network engineer

I was not looking for work in Huawei purposefully, but I was interested in the sphere of technology and communications. I looked through the vacancies on the websites and sent several resumes during my last years in university. I was accepted to the company in Russia and transferred to an office in London a year later thanks to a successful project.

Jobs can be found on sites like a head hunter or on the website of the official representative office in the selected country. You need to clearly understand why you need this job. Nothing is going to work out without the skills and necessary technical knowledge in such large international companies.

A bachelor's degree and at least one year of work experience are required for employment. Your soft skills are also important for the company. If you work with foreign departments, you have to be prepared to deal with cultural differences.

About work and responsibilities

Who doesn't want to work in a successful company that promotes advanced technology? Every day a new product and updates are invented here. They will always be competitive due to the options with a not high price in the market. CIS and European countries are prioritised market for the company. Therefore, your salary can reach $8,000 if you move to a foreign office.

Your salary can reach $8,000 if you move to a foreign office

I am responsible for providing cloud, network and communications solutions. My responsibilities include project planning and development. Every day it is necessary to solve the technical problems faced by users. We must solve all of our tasks quickly. This affects the company's level and reputation. You feel yourself part of a large body even by performing small projects and tasks.

About the advantages

People now want to be online at any time and from any device. Due to this reliability and security is a necessary requirement. The company is trying to expand people's capabilities. We are taught that the only driving force of the company is customer satisfaction.

During my work, I realized it was impossible to stick to one way of business in this area. The more innovations appearing the faster successful projects become obsolete. They remained in the past, and the company is moving forward.

I would name an intensive working environment, a good team and high salaries from the working conditions. I know some employees go to work on weekends. But it's a plus than a minus. The faster you close the project or task, the higher the salary you get.


Think about your competitive advantages. The more you know, the more chances to move up the career ladder. For example, you will be able to go abroad if you know English. It can be study, internship, and work.

Egor Makarov, 26 years old, hometown — Novosibirsk, senior software engineer

About employment

Huawei is a successful company that has become one of the dominants in telecommunications for several years. I came to the company because I am interested in innovations and new technologies. The required level of education will depend on your position. If you go to the marketing department, it is necessary to be technically savvy. Resume in international companies is only part of the thing. Everything will depend on interview and probation.

On the interview be natural, but not relaxed. People here like executive, responsible people. Once again, do not go to conflict with a person, but this rule applies to any company.

About work and responsibilities

We have two meetings during the work day in the morning we discuss the work we have done and in the evening we assign plans for the next day.

Europe has a slightly different attitude to the working atmosphere and conditions. Here everything is strict and always according to plan, you can influence of Chinese leadership. We conduct research projects and constantly keep in touch with the head office. I think it's good for the job. The main thing for us is to achieve a good result.

Work is difficult, but it gives the opportunity to fully realize yourself. We constantly have training and classes. I like participating in such projects, not to spend a working day only on paperwork.

A typical working day can be complicated by conference calls from different time zones. Because the work is delayed. Each region has its own strategy and work plan. I am satisfied with my salary and started at $1,000, and a year later this amount has doubled.

About the advantages

The advantages are high wages, a team with a common idea, good working conditions. We have a comfortable office, several working areas, places to relax. The work here is always boiling. I think it is important to maintain an atmosphere of productive activity in the workplace. Everywhere you can see the plans, schedules, figures to be achieved. Visually it affects the result. The main advantage that the future belongs to such companies as Huawei. This area is only developing. There will always be jobs from developers, programmers to engineers and customer managers.

The advantages are high wages, a team with a common idea, good working conditions


Never be afraid to write to the company e-mail and send a resume. Be active and strive to work in international companies. So you can see the world, work in different groups, learn about the cultural features. Your colleagues will become your good friends.

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