How it began
Since my childhood, I have had a propensity for pure sciences. When the question of further education arose at the end of the high school, I chose the field of engineering. I found out that petroleum engineers were the most well-paid of them and decided to move in this direction. I was accepted to Kazakh National Technical University where I studied for four years. Six months before the graduation, experts from "Baker Hughes", the American oil and gas company, came to select employees for their firm. They were the first people to offer us a job on good terms and I decided to join.
Six months before the graduation, experts from "Baker Hughes", the American oil and gas company, came to select employees for their firm
There were three stages: a test, an interview and the second interview with the senior management. I passed the selection and was offered a job while still being a student. I only needed to get my diploma before starting to work.
I was employed by this company from 2008 to 2012. We were engaged in the research of oil wells. We spent most of the time in the steppes, fields, and wells. It was not an easy job. I remember that I wanted to quit after the first watch because the working conditions were hard. It was like in the military service there: a strict schedule, no one goes easy on you, you just have to fulfill your duty. Something made me change my mind and I stayed: I think it was the salary. I earned two or three times more than my peers who had good office jobs. We were paid more because we were exposed to radiation and worked with explosives.
On the job cuts
During my career, I went through two job cuts, the first of which passed without negative consequences for me. Soon after I got a job, the financial crisis started. Oil prices fell and the number of orders decreased because everyone started saving money. It was hard to keep so many people at work and the cuts began. Afterward, the state decree came out that foreign companies can not cut down on local employees. Therefore, the company had to fire foreigners. When it became very difficult, the management asked people to resign at their own volition.
We were also sent to study in Scotland so that we learned how to work with the equipment of the company. These were complex and delicate mechanisms and we were not taught how to use them at universities. Those who did poorly there were expelled and then also fired.
When I returned, the crisis wave ended, the ascent began. By 2012, the oil prices hit the record high and other international companies started headhunting to quickly take advantage of this. One of the employees of the Russian company called "TGT", who used to work with us earlier, began to recruit his own team. I joined him. The new work was much easier but I quickly lost interest in it. After learning everything in a few months, I realized that I have nowhere to grow. I did not want to work there all my life.
After a while, I was again offered to return to "Baker Hughes", only to Australia. So, I went back to the company with which it all began. I moved to a city called Adelaide and worked the town of Moomba in Central Australia.
I moved to a city called Adelaide and worked the town of Moomba in Central Australia
In two years of work in Australia, I developed greatly as a professional. My work was noticed and I was offered to become a manager. It was difficult because I was an engineer all my life. In this new job, I had to manage a large organization and monitor people.
When I got appointed, there was a new crisis. The crisis started earlier, only its waves reached Australia later. At the end of 2014, the price of oil began to go down again, and in 2015, it began to collapse. I found myself in a situation where I myself had to cut people down and tell them: "Sorry, but you are not going to work tomorrow. Here is your ticket home." I had to make a workforce reduction list and choose from the people with whom I worked side by side. Soon I ended up on such a list myself.
On the new work
When I returned to Kazakhstan I wanted to get back into the oil industry and sent out my CVs. However, the job search was unsuccessful: either I did not like the conditions, or I did not fit them due to the narrow professional focus. I thought that I need to do something, survive somehow and acquire another profession. There is a saying: "One who wants to do something will find a way, one who doesn't will find an excuse."
Even before they cut me, in my spare time I used to read programming books. It fascinated me, I was always good with computers and technology. Then I decided that I would take my hobby seriously. When I was 30 years old I entered the computer academy and began to learn to programme. Six months later my wife learned from a friend that the "Kolesa Krysha Market" company was recruiting the senior students who would pass a three-month internship. I thought I should try and applied. I just wanted to get some work experience because I understood the more experience you have, the easier it is to find a decent job after graduating.
When I was 30 years old I entered the computer academy and began to learn to programme
I was accepted for an internship and spent my time at work from morning till night. It was difficult. In the academy, there was a system which allowed to attend classes only on Saturdays. A week later I realized that I do not have enough time to both study and work. I decided to take an academic leave for six months. When I fully focused on the work, I improved greatly. At the end of the internship, besides the fact that I gained a lot of knowledge and experience, I was also offered a job. I am still learning new things every day.
I have been working as an android developer in the company "Kolesa Krysha Market" for six months
I have been working as an android developer in the company "Kolesa Krysha Market" for six months. I like what I am doing today. At first, I did not even realize that I was actually working. It's like a hobby for which I get paid.
On plans
I plan to grow and develop further. I do not look far ahead because not much of what we plan is actually realized. Once Kasparov, the famous chess player, was asked: "How many moves ahead do you think?" He replied: "I do not think the moves ahead at all. I just look into the situation I found myself in and choose the best option."