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How much it costs to rent an apartment in Astana: neighborhoods and affordable offers


How much it costs to rent an apartment in Astana: neighborhoods and affordable offers

Real estate market in Astana

The real estate market in Astana is constantly developing and growing. This is influenced by several factors.

1. Economic development — the capital of Kazakhstan attracts many investments and business projects. Economic growth contributes to the increase in demand for commercial and residential real estate.

2. Infrastructure projects — constant construction and modernization of infrastructure, including roads, airports, public transport and other facilities, create additional demand for real estate, especially in the commercial sector.

3. Housing development — in recent years new residential complexes have been actively built in Astana to meet the demand for housing, as it is constantly growing.

4. Commercial real estate development — we see active growth in the commercial real estate sector, including shopping centers, office buildings, hotels and other facilities.

5. Adoption of new technologies and construction methods can improve land and resource efficiency and create more modern and sustainable real estate.

6. Increased tourism and international connectivity may also contribute to the demand for real estate, particularly in the hospitality and rental housing sectors.

renting houses in Astana

Like everywhere else, the real estate market in Astana is subject to fluctuations depending on the economic situation and other variables. And, of course, many people are interested in how much it costs to rent an apartment in Astana.

What neighborhood in Astana to rent an apartment in

Choosing a district to rent an apartment in Astana depends on your preferences, budget, and needs. Some neighborhoods are known for their amenities, infrastructure and comfort. Here are a few of them:

1. Yesil district is a left bank neighborhood that has been actively built up in recent years. There are a lot of options here with good new renovation. It is also a district with a developed infrastructure, there are many modern restaurants and cafes, offices and business centers.

2. Nurinsky district — a new administrative-territorial unit of the city was created in 2022. The district is actively growing and developing, stores and different institutions appear here. There are also a lot of new LCDs here, where you can find an apartment with fresh repair.

3. Saryarka — a district of the city, where there are many office buildings, stores, restaurants and entertainment facilities. It is convenient to live here for those who prefer proximity to everything.

4. Baikonur — the neighborhood is close to many major educational institutions, which makes it attractive to students. There are many parks and green spaces in the neighborhood.

5. Almaty — a neighborhood in the south of the city with developed infrastructure and various options for rental housing. It is located quite far from the business center of the city, but it has its advantages.

Before making a decision, you should consider the proximity to your place of work, schools, medical facilities and other objects that are important to you.

What the cost of renting an apartment depends on

The price of renting an apartment in Astana can depend on many factors:

— location: central areas with convenient transportation usually have higher rental prices

— large apartments or housing in new buildings are often more expensive than smaller options or apartments in old buildings.

— options with modern renovations, furniture and appliances may be more expensive than those that require additional investments.

— apartments on the top floors with panoramic views in Astana also often have higher rental prices.

— rental prices may vary depending on the season. For example, prices may be higher during the student move-in period

— long-term rentals in Astana often offer favorable prices compared to short-term rentals.

— the general state of the economy and real estate market can also affect prices.

Current apartment rental prices in Astana

If you are wondering how much it costs to rent an apartment in Astana, read the information below.

According to the analytical service Krisha.kz, at the end of 2023 the average cost of a one-bedroom apartment in Astana was 160 000 tenge, a two-bedroom apartment — 220 000 tenge, and a three-bedroom apartment — 350 000 tenge. Similar dynamics will continue in 2024.

Esil district

To find housing in the left bank neighborhood is a great luck, because there are newer housing estates and there are all conditions for comfortable living and entertainment. Here it is much easier to find housing with fresh repairs and new furniture. But the rental prices in Astana are a bit higher here. On average, a one-bedroom apartment here can be rented for 170 000-180 000 tenge. For renting a two-room apartment, you can pay 220 000 tenge or 300 000 tenge. A two-room apartment with renovation will cost an average of 360 000-400 000 tenge.

costs money to rent

Nura district

The cost of renting housing in Astana often depends on the location. And this neighborhood is no exception. A one-room apartment can be rented for 150 000 tenge or 300 000 tenge. Renting a decent one-bedroom apartment will cost about 250 000-270 000 tenge. A three-room apartment will cost an average of 350 000-390 000 tenge.

Saryarka district

In the Saryarka district one-bedroom apartments cost 150 000-180 000 tenge. A two-room apartment can be rented for 230 000-250 000 tenge and more depending on the renovation. It is possible to find good variants of three-room apartments for 300 000 tenge. The better the repairs, the higher the price.

Almaty district

A neighborhood where you can still rent a one-bedroom apartment for 130 000-150 000 tenge, a two-bedroom apartment for 200 000 tenge, and a three-bedroom apartment for 300 000-350 000 tenge.

Baikonur district

There are not so many offers in Baikonur district. The cost of renting an apartment in Astana in this area will be about 150 000 tenge per month for a one-bedroom space, and 180 000 tenge per month for an apartment with renovation. Two-room apartments can be rented for 180 000-200 000. Three-room apartments for 250 000-300 000 tenge.

To sum up

Astana has a lot of offers for rent. And each neighborhood can offer its advantages and opportunities for a comfortable life. Choose based on your financial capabilities, proximity to the places where you often visit, and also do not forget about the fact that you were comfortable communicating with the owners of the property.

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