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Historical monuments of Tashkent


Historical monuments of Tashkent

Kukeldash Madrasah

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Kukeldash Madrasah is a medieval madrasa in Tashkent, located close to Chorsu Bazaar and Chorsu Metro station. It was built around 1570 by the Shaybanid Dynasty of rulers. The madrasah was converted into a caravanserai in the 18th century, then it served as a fortress. In the 20th century it was a museum, first of atheism, and later of folk music. In the 1990s, the building was made a madrasah again

Address: 46 Navoi Ave.

Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral


Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral is the name given to a religious building belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. This is a relatively new structure that was built in the early twentieth century in Gothic architecture.

Address: 7 Sadiq Asimov St.

Chorsu Bazaar


The market is considered one of the oldest not only in Uzbekistan, but throughout Central Asia. The bazaar gained popularity during the time of the descendants of Tamerlane, as it was an intermediate point on the Great Silk Road. All types of goods are sold at Chorsu: food, clothing, products of local artisans, household items and other things.

Address: 57 Tafakkur St.

Barak-khan Madrasah

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It was built in the XVI century by Suyunidzh-khan, an Ulugbek’s grandson. A special premise of the Barakh-khan Madrasah library is used to keep the world-known Koran of Caliph Osman. Today the building is occupied by craftsmen, who produce there their original souvenirs and sell them right in the place.

Address: Karasaray St.

Palace of the Romanovs

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This one-storey fine building of brick is located close to Amir Temur Square and was built for Grand Prince Nikolay Romanov, first cousin of Tsar Nikolay II, who was deported here in 1881 to mine precious stones. Currently, the building is used as the Reception House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan.

Address: Sharaf Rashimov Ave.

Khast-Imam Complex

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Khast-Imam complex is a cultic architectural complex and the religious heart of Tashkent, is located in the old part of the city. The complex formed around the grave of outstanding Muslim scholar Khazrati Imam, who was one of Tashkent’s first imams.

Address: Karasaray St.

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