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Giraffes, penguins, jellyfish. Where to go to make the trip unforgettable
Главный (англ)


Giraffes, penguins, jellyfish. Where to go to make the trip unforgettable

If you have already visited the countries of Europe, flown to the sea a couple of times, and are hungry for new emotions and unforgettable impressions, see our list of 11 places where you can not only see, but also contact with a variety of animals: from alpacas to tigers.

Giraffe Hotel in Kenya

giraffe manor

The unique eco-friendly Giraffe Manor Hotel is one of the most iconic places in Nairobi. Hotel belongs to the luxury chain The Safari Collection. The eco-hotel has received worldwide recognition thanks to a herd of endangered Rothschild giraffes. Visitors can feed, pet or just look at these animals on the territory of hotel. In addition, the hotel conducts excursions around the area.

Snow Monkey Park in Japan

There is a valley in the city of Nagano, where it is worth coming to see one of the most unusual sights in the world. In the Snow Monkey Park, you can see Japanese macaques, which usually live in the mountains, but go down to the thermal springs to warm up.

Panda Reserve in China

Not far from the city of Chengdu there is a nature reserve that was created for breeding pandas. At the moment it is open to visitors. There you can watch how pandas are fed and cared for. In addition, there are about 120 giant bamboo bears and 76 red pandas in the reserve.

Great Barrier Reef in Australia

australia reef

One of the seven natural wonders is the habitat of more than two thousand different species of corals, fish, birds and animals. The territory of the reef is larger than the UK and Ireland combined. On the islands near the Great Barrier Reef there are luxury hotels where you can stay. They provide tours of different types: extreme, active.

The Island of hares in Japan

Located off the coast of Japan, Okuno Island is a habitat for hundreds of hares that are not afraid of people. To ensure the safety of animals, cats, dogs and other types of predators are prohibited on the island. You can get to the island by ferry, and later settle in local small hotels.

Pig Island in the Bahamas

Animals literally filled one of the islands on the coast of the Bahamas. Therefore, it got the name Pig island. What is most interesting is that pigs on the island are waterfowl. This is what attracts many tourists from all over the world.

Lake of jellyfish in Palau

 Jellyfish Lake

About two million jellyfish live in one of the most visited lakes in Palau. Travelers come to this area to swim in a larger cluster of jellyfish, without fear of getting burned. In the process of evolution, local jellyfish have become safe for humans. For a number of specific reasons, you can swim only in the upper layer of water, using fins and a mask.

Alpacas in Peru

Alpacas in Peru

Natural beauty and ancient buildings are famous sights of Peru. But tourists from all over the world come here not only for this, but to get acquainted with cute animals: alpacas and llamas. Their homeland is the highlands of the Andes, South America. There are many tour operators who conduct excursions around the area and in addition introduce tourists to the fluffy inhabitants of the mountains.

Penguins in Argentina

You don't have to go to Antarctica to meet penguins. Argentina offers the opportunity to see a lot of wild animals due to the different ecosystems and the number of national parks and reserves. The best regions for bird watching are Punta Tombo, Martillo Island, Monte Leon National Park.

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