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Gaukhar Bauyrzhankyzy about how she became an employee of the largest company in the world


Gaukhar Bauyrzhankyzy about how she became an employee of the largest company in the world

Gaukhar Bauyrzhankyzy told how she moved to the USA and built a successful career in a new country.

Gaukhar Bauyrzhankyzy, San Francisco, Business Operations Manager, Walmart Connect, @gauhar.live

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About moving

Studying in the States has been my dream since I was five years old. As a child, I heard that the best universities in the world are in the USA. I decided that I should strive to go there, to be there.

So, in 2013 I entered Northeastern University in Boston and moved to the USA. I chose a dual specialty for studying economics and mathematics with a sub-specialty in programming. I wanted to get an international education and work experience abroad

On adaptation and challenges

The USA and Kazakhstan are like two parallel worlds. In these countries, things are done differently. It takes quite a long time to deal with all the nuances.

The most acute problem is always related to housing. Other difficulties may include huge competition, obtaining work permits, language barriers, the American approach to training and work and the medical system. I immediately limited communication in Russian and Kazakh, signed up for extracurricular activities, made friends among foreigners and locals. All these steps helped me to integrate into the environment, to understand American culture and principles, to get rid of the language barrier.


The United States is a country of contrasts. You can walk in a beautiful, modern place, where everything is clean, plants are blooming, and life is boiling. And literally a stone's throw away you will find a "murdered", dirty neighborhood with everything falling apart and a high crime rate.

When you are relocating, trust and fully commit to the rebuilding process. Everything new may seem foreign, unfamiliar, and scary, but this experience will harden you, open a new perspective on life, and make you stronger. Be clear about why you came and what you want to get out of the experience. Don't wait until the last moment.

Meet people. Don't forget that you are in a new country where you don't know anyone. Be honest to yourself.

About development and career

During my undergraduate studies, I did two full-time, six-month internships in the financial sector at large corporations: State Street Corporation in Boston and Piper Sandler in Los Angeles. After graduation, found a job at Empyrean Solutions, a small tech company that provided software for banks. Three months later dramatically changed my life by accepting a job offer at Piper Sandler, an investment bank where I had interned as a student.


A year later, I changed careers again and went to work for the largest corporation in the world, Walmart. It was a huge leap and experience for me. I had the chance to work on a lot of different and significant projects, to see how a business is built from the ground up, strategies and operational plan are developed, and projects are scaled.

Positive attitude, patience, proactive application, networking and connections can help you land your first job

Try everything, knock on all the doors, and one of them will definitely open. You need to develop analytical skills, the ability to present your thoughts clearly, to defend your point of view, to work independently and in a team. If you plan to advance in your career, learn to present your ideas and speak in front of an audience, develop within your specialty.

At the moment I'm learning new things and getting ready to move to Canada. Got a job at a startup, so I will develop and work further.

How the move affected

Moving and living in another country at an early age force you to grow up faster and take full responsibility for your own life.

I worked hard on myself and tried. I had good people along the way who helped me, gave me opportunities, taught me. And, of course, I am helped by the great love and support of my family and friends.

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