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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

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Galymzhan Moldanazar on things he likes, 100 new songs and meeting with Batyr


Galymzhan Moldanazar on things he likes, 100 new songs and meeting with Batyr

About myself and work

I love to live.

I like peace and quietness. I love music and to create. I love my parents and children.

Writing music I try to stay alone in the studio. I like working on my own. I embody in my poetry and music the thoughts that excite me, please me, touch me. I create every single day, have more than 100 new songs that no one has heard. I can’t do nothing. In free time I immediately go to the studio and work. Even being away I always have ipad and a phone with programs that enable me write music. I think that by the end of the year I will release a couple of songs. Moreover, I have new directions that I have not applied before. We have plans that we are to implement in 2018.

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I’d always had a dream - to create a band and play live music, it was always interesting to me. In 2015 I brought the guys together. Firstly I met Alexei Sonin, our bass player, and then Alexey called his friends. We’ve been working together for three years.

Many people helped me on my way of becoming a musician. The first person is my school teacher Esbol Auez; Laila Nasylkhanova, who we worked with in Kyzylorda; Aisa Sadvakasova; composers Serzhan Bakhytzhan, Erbolat Bedelkhan. Each person symbolizes a different period of my life and I have different stories connected with each one. I’ve learned much from all of them.

The most memorable that ever happened to me is probably the meeting with Batyrkhan Shukenov. I was at one event and, having finished the performance, we needed to leave urgently. I was quickly collecting the instruments and was already to leave when heard someone calling me by name. It was Batyr. It was unexpected, but I’d always wanted to meet him. It was a short but heartfelt talk. These ten minutes are dear to me, and I am grateful and glad that I had the opportunity to talk to him.

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The most and foremost difficulty we meet is a constant need in money: money to buy musical instruments, equipment. I don’t see any other difficulties; I’m in love with music. I know that I will succeed and what I am in Almaty for.

In fact, we do not have any difficulties today. Looking around, you’ll see that our country is peaceful, though there’re people complaining all the time. We are doing well. Just do it and don’t look for excuses. Do your own thing without condemning others. I do not like to complain. It’s necessary to appreciate the calmness, peace and try to make the world around better. Don’t complain and don’t judge people who are doing something.

Creativity is a personal matter. The people should not dictate how it should be done, since creativity and work must be natural, honest. Creativity must reflect the creator. I do not ask people's opinions until I finish writing music, cause someone likes it, some do not. People always start giving advice which isn’t welcomed. Accordingly the person starts to get lost. Young musicians often send me their works and ask my opinion on them. I say, "Dude, do not ask anyone. Never do that, because people always say that there’s something wrong. Then you will start being timid, which isn’t good”.

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Often before falling asleep I hear music in my head. At this moment I wake up and write down everything that comes to mind.

Each song has its own story. And I'm grateful to the song "Akpen birge", which gave me a start to everything happening to me now.

For more than two years we’ve been playing the same program. I do not have the opportunity as before to be in the studio and create. I’m worried about a constant lack of time and busy schedule. I understand that it's great, I’ve dreamed of it. But I love the freedom which I don’t have now. In the summer I did not rest at all; couldn’t sunbath. Actually it was impossible, since we had concerts and eternal rehearsals every single week. At the moment I feel tired and want to rest. I’m planning to complete all my plans till the New Year and have a rest in January.

About cities

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I often visit Astana. Here we have concerts and performances. By the way, private performances in Astana are even greater than in Almaty. It's a youth format, for those who understand my music. As I see, the restaurant culture and club life are developing day by day here.

I'm getting used to Astana. Every time I come here I fall in love with the city. It’s getting better and more interesting, yet I haven’t thought about moving to Astana. I'm used to Almaty. I'm comfortable there, and there are a lot of memories connected with it.

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