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French entrepreneur about working in Kazakhstan, opening his own company and favorite places

Lionel Attias

city — Almaty, general manager, linkedin


French entrepreneur about working in Kazakhstan, opening his own company and favorite places

Lionel Attias came to Kazakhstan more than 20 years ago. During this time, he has worked in major international and local organizations, and recently opened his own company. In an interview for our publication, he shared his impressions of the country, people and traditions.

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About myself

My homeland is the French Alps. I was born in a small mountain town near the Italian border. At the age of 16 I moved to Paris to study at the school of hotel management. After successfully graduating, I began working as a chef and confectioner in restaurants in France. During my career, I even worked on a cruise ship. It was an interesting experience. But, working as a cook, you hardly have a rest even on weekends. There is not enough time for a social life, so I moved to another area.

I chose the oil and gas industry for myself. This direction was interesting for me. The transition was difficult, but it was worth it.

I love traveling, meeting new people and getting to know the culture of other countries. During my career I worked in the UK, USA, Canada, Nigeria, Angola, Guinea, Ethiopia, Djibouti.

About moving

In 2001, a friend called me and asked if I would like to work with him again. I agreed and asked where he was now. He said that in Kazakhstan. I asked, «Where is it?» Then I knew nothing about the country. It was interesting to visit a new place, and I agreed to come.

We made the necessary documents, and in March of the same year I found myself in Kazakhstan for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised by the interesting architecture and wide streets of Almaty. 20 years ago this city was already beautiful.

About activity

I came to work on a KPO project in Aksai. The person who invited me soon left for a vacation. I was the only expat on the team who knew neither English nor French. It's been an interesting two months. I worked for the company for about five years. Was the head of the management department, responsible for the activities of the support service, the implementation of the security policy and the training of employees.

Later I moved to Atyrau. I worked as a project manager at ESS, which had a contract with Agip KCO, an international consortium for work in the Northern Caspian. I was responsible for camp premises, hired and coordinated engineers for work, participated in operational tasks.

At first I did not suspect how big Kazakhstan is

Two years later, I began working directly with Agip KCO at the Kashagan field. I controlled all aspects related to the organization of shift camps, food and security issues.

I spent the next five years in Africa. I worked in different countries and companies, gaining experience. He returned to Kazakhstan in 2014 as a Country Manager for Alma East West Group, and a year later he moved to ADEN Services. As a deputy director, I was involved in the construction of new camps and the organization of production processes.

Three years ago, I realized that I had accumulated enough expertise to open my own company. This is how Fairway LLP was born. As general manager, I am responsible for business development. I am in contact with current and potential clients — Kazakhstani and international companies.

I believe that the work of any employee is important. Everyone has their own mission. We at Fairway LLP support other companies, help them with business development in several areas: recruiting new employees, management, process management. Another important task that we do is to monitor the good physical and moral condition of our employees. All this greatly simplifies the work of the business.

About Kazakhstan

At first I did not suspect how big Kazakhstan is. It turned out that it is simply huge! Also, over time, I saw how rich the local lands were. Everything you need is here: oil, gas, natural minerals, water.

I have traveled a lot around the country. I like Uralsk. This is a small green city. I love Aktau. It's sunny here, there's a beach, people are relaxed. My favorite city is Almaty and its surrounding nature. There are many places where my family and I spend time.

I spent many years in Kazakhstan. Now I'd rather stay here than go back to France. I have many friends in this country whom we often meet.

About traditions and people

I am surprised by the mentality of people. They are always cheerful and friendly, regardless of external conditions. In 20 years of living here, I have never worried about my safety. But at the same time, you need to understand that every country has its own traditions. You need to respect this and follow them.

Kazakhstan is different from France. In my home country, there are not many cultural events that we all celebrate together. There are also a large number of events that are usually celebrated everywhere: at home, on the street, in institutions.

People of many nationalities and religions live in Kazakhstan. And everyone pays tribute to the holidays of their neighbors. I've been to weddings, celebrated the New Year and International Women's Day. My favorite holiday is Nauryz. It unites everyone: older people and young people. Everyone sincerely rejoices that the cold is ending.

I also tried the local national cuisine. All dishes are delicious, but my favorites are manti and kazy.

I spend my free time walking with my family. We often go to the park, go to shopping centers or climb mountains.

About plans

The plans are to continue working on the company, to give more jobs to people. My next step is to work in Astana. There is great potential for development here.

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