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Foreigners in Kazakhstan receive QR cards with important information


Foreigners in Kazakhstan receive QR cards with important information

Foreigners arriving in Kazakhstan have started receiving cards with QR codes. The code on the card leads to an electronic multilingual portal containing information and recommendations for safe travel in the country.

The SafeTravel.kz portal provides the necessary information and recommendations for a safe stay of tourists in Kazakhstan, as well as links to download useful mobile applications.

The first cards with QR codes have already been distributed to foreign visitors at the capital's international airport. SafeTravel.kz is available:

— immediate communication with the police, including the SOS function, via the “102” mobile application

— leaflet on compliance with immigration laws; map of the city of residence with a link to popular applications

— list of official taxis and online services

— list of telecom operators with links to their official websites

— algorithms for handling different incidents

— contact the other emergency services: the ambulance service, the fire brigade and the unified rescue service.

The launch of the system aims not only to protect and secure tourists, but also to increase confidence in Kazakhstan as a promising destination for travel and investment.

Source: tengrinews.kz

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