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Astana gives a lot of opportunities for opening your own business but what it is like to start a brand new vocation in this city when you have come from another country. In this article, WE bring before you the stories of those businessmen who were not afraid of starting their own business venture in our capital.

Jean-Philippe Gaume

39 years old, hometown — Lille, Director Owner of restaurant “Le Petit Paris”


I decided to open the restaurant "Le Petit Paris" in Astana for many reasons. First of all, I always wanted to open my own restaurant and try to experience the feeling of being an owner of a place.

Ssecondly, I am attached to Astana as I consider it like my home town in Kazakhstan. I live with my wife who is from another city but she has spent several years here, and many of her family members and relative here.

Also, as a new born capital city, there are many opportunities to start your own and it offers a huge potential to grow.

My main idea was to open the restaurant and to live here with my family in Astana. Until now, we still live according to the plan.

"Le Petit Paris", the idea was mainly to have a restaurant with a "French Cuisine", with some of popular dishes from France like "Gatinee a l'oignon", snails, "Beef Bourguignon", etc. Also, with my interpretation of some dishes like Manti with Foie gras, "Napoleon dessert", revisited "Beshbarmak" which is more like ravioli with horse meat and onion bouillon.

We have two most popular dishes in "Le Petit Paris": French Onion soup and also, Beef Bourguignon - the latter one for wine lovers. The dish is made of beef marinated over 24 hours in red wine, carrots, onions, and then, cooked in very low temperature for several hours. When we serve, it is topped with some fried pieces of smoked beef, onions, and mushrooms.

Garry Tevani

37 years old, hometown — Ajmer, Director of “Imperial tailoring”


“Imperial tailoring” is quite old company which was first, opened in Moscow in 1969. In 1998, I came there to work and gained a lot of experiences. I moved to Kazakhstan in 2001 and I have been living here for about 17 years.

Kazakhstan is the second biggest country after Russian Federation. Its capital — Astana — is a reflection of future city and is developing very rapidly.

The idea is to create quality men clothes. It was difficult for me at the beginning, because not everyone understood why it is better to order a costume than buying a ready one. But now, the list of our regular clients is quite long and this shows our job.

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