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Food, fashion and beauty industry — how Korean culture is changing the modern world


Food, fashion and beauty industry — how Korean culture is changing the modern world

Anar Ayashinova, 38 years old, hometown — Pavlodar, founder of multi-brand stores network COSSMO

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About project

I studied at the Pedagogical Institute, but after graduation went into business. First, I sold goods from Guangzhou and Turkey. Later I started looking for something new and chose the Korean market, as it was different from what we are used to.

Our shop COSSMO offers goods from young Korean designers, everything is unique and presented in limited quantities. Anyone can find something for themselves, and we have a good pricing policy.

It is difficult to engage in the Korean fashion industry. Asians are punctual and strict. Koreans have many rules that must be followed when you are buying goods. For example, you can't try on clothes and even touch. But I like it.

On the influence of Korean culture

The Korean fashion industry is only 16 years old. When I first visited Korea 12 years ago, the fashion industry was in its infancy. But even then Koreans had a special style, influenced by the West.

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Koreans are scrupulously about the creation of clothing and pay attention to the quality of the sewing. Sometimes Korean quality can compete even with luxury brands.

Koreans are scrupulously about the creation of clothing, pay attention to the quality of the sewing

Also, Korean designers still fighting for sales, launching more affordable lines to stay afloat.

Many people love Korean clothes and style for comfort, unique style and affordable prices.

If earlier Korean designers focused on the West, now on the contrary — luxury brands increasingly inspired by the Asian style. Sometimes the clothes from the runway collections in accuracy copies Seoul street style which means that the Korean culture affects the world fashion.

Korean brands are well supported among compatriots. Korean actors, idols and models mostly wear clothes of domestic brands. Young people want to be like their idols, to look and dress the same way and happy to buy Korean clothes.

About plans

At the moment our points in the largest trading houses of Astana and Pavlodar. We are negotiating with the trading house Dostyk Plaza in Almaty and the largest shopping house Afimall City in Moscow.

Vladimir Tsoi, 51 years old, hometown — Bishkek, chef

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About project

All my life I have worked as a chef in big restaurants. Two years ago I left this activity and opened my own small Korean restaurant.

I chose this direction because now there is a rise in Korean cuisine, people are interested in this culture. We have a menu of the traditional cuisine of Soviet Koreans, which close to local Koreans.

On the influence of Korean culture

South Korean culture is a modern and popular direction among youth. This is manifested in music, in food, in everything. I personally prefer a more traditional direction as it is clear to adults.

South Korean culture is a modern and popular direction among youth.

We have several dishes of South Korean cuisine on the menu, and youth from 12 to 20 years prefer it.

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When young people come to us, they want to try exactly what they saw on TV shows or the Internet. What Korean bloggers or artists advertise. But usually, it is a very spicy, specific food and not for everyone. Sometimes I think they're forced to eat it because of the trend.

I have lived in South Korea for three years and know what to offer people. There are more and more fans of Korean style and music. However, for me, it's difficult to change my views.

About plans

Plans to expand. Perhaps we will focus more on young people — in addition to the traditional menu, we will expand our positions and make a separate South Korean menu.

Anastasia Xo, 32 years old, hometown — Taldykorgan, co-founder of the chain of stores of goods from South Korea «IKSO», @Xo_magazin

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We have a network of stores of universal format — we offer Korean cosmetics, household chemicals, food, household goods, optics, hosiery. But the main product is cosmetics.

Previously, we focused on the middle class, brought the mass market. Now, we are growing and bring the luxury cosmetics segment. Familiar with Korea, Korean culture and cosmetology people know these brands.

On the influence of Korean culture

Korea is a leader in the world market in the production of cosmetics. All developments and innovations are implemented there.

Koreans honour traditions, use ancient recipes and develop modern medicine. Great products created due to such combination.


Korean cosmetics are suitable for the Asian skin type, and customers appreciate it. The culture of Kazakh women is changing: people understand that self-care is a way of self-expression, respect and self-love. Girls look to take care of themselves, teenagers from 16 years and adult clients who are already over 80 come to us.

Korean cosmetics are suitable for the Asian skin type, and customers appreciate it

The wave of Korean culture at peak — Korean dramas, music is universally popular. Young people tend to be like their idols. And it greatly affects the trade sector, raises the demand for Korean-style goods, k-pop-production, albums, posters etc. Mobile entrepreneurs catch the wave and offer people what they are interested in.

About plans

We want to develop a franchise in Kazakhstan and enter foreign markets with luxury cosmetics segment.

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