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Famous museums in Asia that offer you virtual tours


Famous museums in Asia that offer you virtual tours

The National Museum of the Philippines


The National Museum of the Philippines in Manila is a government organization that oversees a number of national museums in the country. The National Museum has been home to many cultural and historical artifacts of the country.

Since it is closed due to community quarantine currently, you can take a 360-degree look at the museum.

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art


The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art is a contemporary art museum with the main museum in Gwacheon and three branches each in Deoksugung, Seoul, and Cheongju. The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in South Korea upholds itself as a representative institution of Korean modern art. Currently, MMCA offers you a glimpse of its magnificent interior and picturesque surroundings with a virtual tour.

National Museum of Korea


The National Museum is the flagship museum of Korean history and art in South Korea. It is one of the most visited museums in the world and Asia. However, due to the temporary closure of the Museum, you can take a look at the collection of porcelain, ornaments, vases, and artifacts through its virtual tour.

Museum of Contemporary Art


The Museum of Contemporary Art in Bangkok, Thailand is one of the largest contemporary art museums in Asia. A large collection of valuable paintings and sculptures created by famous Thai artists can be enjoyed through the virtual tour.

Tokyo Fuji Art Museum


The collection of Museum consists of approximately 30,000 Japanese, Eastern and Western artworks, collection ranges from paintings, prints, photography, sculptures, ceramics and lacquerware to armor, swords, and medallions from various periods and cultures. This expansive collection may be viewed through a virtual tour.

Singapore Art Museum


The Singapore Art Museum is the first fully dedicated contemporary visual arts museum in Singapore with one of the world’s most important collections by local, Southeast and East Asian artists. It collaborates with international art museums to co-curate contemporary art exhibitions.

Fortunately, art lovers may explore its vast collections of contemporary art from the region through a virtual tour.

The National Museum of Indonesia


Museum serves as a center of culture and tourism information which proudly houses objects of the cultural heritage of Indonesia. It is popular in the country, most especially with the residents of Jakarta, after the elephant statue in its forecourt. The museum has endeavored to preserve Indonesia's heritage for two centuries.

Its collection of prehistoric, archaeological, ceramics, history, ethnography and geography may be seen through its virtual tour.

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