Jason Lewis, 40 years old, hometown — Topeka, PhD student
Jennifer Lewis, 40 years old, hometown — Killeen, Professor of Nazarbayev University
Maya Lewis, 1-year-old, hometown — Wichita
About us
Jennifer. We met when we were 16 years old. My family and I moved to Kansas, Topeka, where Jason lived. We went to the same church and met there. But we started dating after a year and a half when we were 17 years old.
Jason. Then we had a New Year party, where realized that we have a connection and interested in each other. I asked her on a date, and we've been together ever since.
Jennifer. A couple of days ago we have celebrated 19 years since our wedding. Before the wedding, we dated exactly 4.5 years.
We started dating on January 1 and got married on July 1. We were 21, which is unusual for Americans. We wanted to get married even earlier but decided to wait until graduation.
Jason. Topeka is a flat city, but we have a hill where I called Jennifer. At that time I already had a ring bought more than a year ago. She knew it. We climbed the hill, talked about plans, the future, I proposed, and she said "Yes".
We climbed the hill, talked about plans, the future, I proposed, and she said "Yes"
Jennifer. We had a typical American wedding that you saw in the movies. I was in a white dress, and he was in a tuxedo, lots of flowers, bridesmaids, groomsmen. Jason is a musician, so there was a lot of music at the wedding. Played the organ, trumpet, sang.
About the city
Jennifer. Before Kazakhstan, I worked at a University in the USA. One of the familiar professors asked if I was interested in a vacancy at Nazarbayev University. I submitted a questionnaire, and in August 2011 we arrived in Astana.
Jason. I worked from home. My work allowed me to be unattached to the country. I had a contract and for two years I worked from home, travelled.
When we first arrived, everything was new: a different language, culture, no friends or relatives. The only thing we knew about the country before arrival — professional cycling team Astana Pro Team.
Jennifer. We have lived here for eight years and have a few favourite places: Ocean Basket, Cafestar, Cafe Rafe.
After the birth of Maya, we realized that in Kazakhstan the culture of love for children is very high. People appreciate children, help, and it's okay if you come to a restaurant with a child. In America, it is treated with less patience.
After the birth of Maya, we realized that in Kazakhstan the culture of love for children is very high
Jason. Kazakhstan is our second homeland. We live here for a long time. This is where our daughter grows up and spent most of her life. And when we come to America, some things seem strange to us, because we are used to living in Kazakhstan.
Jennifer. Initially, I came to work under the contract for three years, but it so happened that I signed and extended it several times. We like to live here, and we are comfortable. We feel like at home in Kazakhstan.
About family
Jennifer. Maya is our first and long-awaited child. We tried for a long time to have a child, but realized that we could not be biological and decided to adopt. Last year we flew to America and were in the hospital when she was born. So in April 2018 in our family appeared Maya.
Jason. Maya came when we were married for almost 18 years. After we had a daughter, everything has totally changed. She's a wonderful child.
Jennifer. Maya understands two languages: English and Russian, as nanny Zhansaya speaks Russian to her.
We love to travel together. Maya had 25 or 26 flights already. In a week we will fly to Turkey to have a rest, we have never been there.
But when we have the opportunity to be alone, we love to go to the opera and ballet.
If we talk about common traditions, we celebrate birthdays, Christmas. Perhaps due to Maya, we will have more reasons for celebrations in the future.
The current state of mind
Jennifer. We are happy with our life, and it is full. Our life is full of joy.