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Entrepreneur from Singapore on life in Almaty, local people and traditions

Renee How

city — Almaty, entrepreneur, linkedin


Entrepreneur from Singapore on life in Almaty, local people and traditions

With each passing year, Central Asia is attracting a growing number of foreign residents. We continue to shed light on why expatriates are choosing countries within our region to live in and what they appreciate the most.


About myself

I am from Singapore. My initial profession is architecture. Additionally, I obtained an MBA degree and became a business development specialist.

We read a bit about Soviet Union when we studied history in school. It was in my bucket list to visit the Soviet Union states.

Opportunity came in 1996 when I made my first short visit to Kazakhstan, and to the other CIS nations. In this trip I was moved to want to do community development work in this part of the world. So in 1999 I applied to work for a non-governmental organization as a community development social worker. My portfolio then was social enterprise to eliminate poverty by job creation.

About Kazakhstan

My first trip to Kazakhstan was 1996. The national flagship airline then was Air Kazakhstan. There was no seats allocation on Air Kazakhstan then, people were elbowing their way up the air stair to fight for seats. That was a culture shock for me. There was no street lights and at night we had to stay indoor as advised.

I was impressed by the art and culture in Kazakhstan. Almaty has many artistic theaters. I enjoy attending ballet and opera performances.


Almaty is a city with charming architecture and numerous parks. I love strolling through the city center, soaking in the atmosphere. And the mountains around are truly majestic. It's wonderful to admire their view from the window or to go for a hike and a picnic.

I'm still amazed by how considerate the drivers are in this country

Another thing I enjoy in Kazakhstan is horseback riding. Twice a week, I train in dressage and horse jumping. Engaging in equestrian sports here is much more affordable than in Singapore.

I'm still amazed by how considerate the drivers are in this country. They always stop to let you cross the street, and they don't honk for too long. Moreover, most of them will step out to hold the door for you if they see your hands are occupied.

About activities

In 2007, I left Kazakhstan. However, I was so fond of working and living here that I returned eight years later. I began working on social enterprises within the industrial company Gateway Ventures. My responsibilities included evaluating business plans, refining contract details and credit terms. I also conducted business training and formed fund management teams.

In 2021, I embarked on my own venture in the food industry. We provide private cafeterias and catering services, specializing in the cuisine of Singaporean "hawkers."

Furthermore, I offer personal development recommendations and conduct business consultations for foreign companies looking to enter the markets of Central Asia.

About people and traditions

When I first arrived in Kazakhstan, it seemed to me that Kazakhstani people would get angry and frequently argue in conversations with each other. However, once I learned the local language, I realized that they weren't actually arguing but expressing emotions. It turned out that Kazakhstani people are hospitable and friendly.


Men in Kazakhstan are true gentlemen. They are attentive to the elderly and women. For instance, they always hold the door for you, give up their seats on buses, or let you go ahead.

From the local cuisine, I love kazy, horse meat, lazy cabbage rolls, lagman, onion bread called piyaz nan, and jellied meat known as kholodets. These are the dishes I missed the most when I lived outside of Kazakhstan.

About plans

I will continue to engage in social entrepreneurship. I will work with young English-speaking professionals, offering personalized courses for personal and professional development on a one-on-one basis.

Additionally, I have plans to establish a club for English-speaking professionals.

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