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Dancers of different style from Central Asia


Dancers of different style from Central Asia

Sabina Sharipova, 28 years old, Tashkent, @sabina_sharipova_1

Sabina has been dancing for 20 years. She danced classical ballet after graduating from the Tashkent choreographic school. Then she looked for herself in another direction and started dancing Argentine tango and bachata. Sabina was a participant in the dancing TV show on TNT channel in 2018. She is the Russian Bachata champion in 2018, and a finalist in the World Bachata Championship in Spain in 2019.

Kulyash Toxambayeva, 29 years old, Almaty, @kulyashtoxambayeva

In 2020 she received a master’s degree from the Korean National University of the Arts in South Korea, specializing in contemporary dance. She came to the world of dance from the age of seven and began with the traditional dances. However, over time, she began to dance different styles. Therefore, Kulyash consider contemporary dance to be your style. She participated in the first dance project "Bile Kazakhstan" and became a super finalist. She was one of the choreographers of the Music Awards "Muzzone" together with the YingYang crew and was part of many other musical projects such as Gakku, "Almaty my first love".

Suslov Oleg, 29 years old, Tashkent, @oleg_suz

Oleg suddenly decided to dance at the age of 21. Now he represent the Tashkent city and the "Funky Sketchers" team in various competitions. Oleg dances and teaches DanceHall style, participates in many battles, such as "Energy of Dance"," Pulse of the City", "King Dance Ring", "Big battle". Very often, Oleg is invited to participate in the shooting of music videos of popular stars. He is also the founder and organizer of the Funky Area dance festival.

ElizavetaSimonova, 19 years old, Bishkek, @lizaaaaasi

Elizaveta has been dancing for 16 years. Now she is studying to become a choreographer in Novosibirsk. She is the founder of the LSI Dance School in Bishkek. Elizaveta became the world champion in Indian dance style in Moscow. She is the absolute champion of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in Oriental dance style.

Zico Firestar,25 years old,Baku, @zicofirestar

According to a young man who dances Hip-hop New Style, he learned to dance on his own. In 2008 accidentally saw a film about dancing, after that his life changed dramatically. Dancing has always been the main interest in the life of Zico Firestar, who later moved to Baku, and repeatedly won various hip-hop competitions. He is a multiple champion of hip-hop and All Style in Azerbaijan. He represents the country's famous Iam Style Crew. Now Zico teaches at a prestigious studio in Baku. He often represents the country at international Championships in Europe such as Champion the Best — Germany, BOY — Estonia,underground Funky Base — Turkey, What the Flock — Russia.

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