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Crush House. About the first Central Asian TikTok House


Crush House. About the first Central Asian TikTok House

We got acquainted with the first Central Asian TikTok house - Crush House and learned more about the project produced by 1.1STUDIO.

Aselya Amiraeva, Bishkek city, Executive Producer of Crush House

аселя амираева

About TikTok House

In Kyrgyzstan, blogging on TikTok is only gaining popularity. But we see that many promising and talented bloggers are gradually finding their loyal audiences. Our market is also adapting to this platform.

Crush House is the only TikTok house in Kyrgyzstan so far. This is the first International Central Asian TikTok House. The house gathered bloggers from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. At the moment we have 3.6 million subscribers on the TikTok. Our community is the first international house format in the world.

About the participants

We launched the new format in the spring of 2022. There are seven active members in Crush House.

Iwin joined us in March and recruited over 600,000 subscribers in three months. She often makes current trends for the audience.

Краш Хаус

Sten is the most popular member of the house. He recently reached the mark of four million subscribers. He catches the audience with charisma and acting and shoots trends and videos to popular sounds.

Azamat is popular for his videos with cards and magic tricks.

Bayel shoots dancing and pranks.

Umida is a blogger from Uzbekistan. She is popular because of her acting and makeup artist skills. Her video impersonations are gaining good views.

Amal is another blogger from Uzbekistan. He shoots humorous videos and pranks.

Dilshod is from Tajikistan. Dilshod makes educational content and reviews on international programs.

Краш Хаус

In addition to bloggers, we have a team working on the project. It consists of six people. These are executive producer, creative producer, cameraman, SMM specialist, administrator, and production designer.

We are constantly monitoring active TikTok users in the Central Asian market. We get acquainted, offer different collaborations, and try to work together.

About the plans

We plan to expand the geography of our audience. We want to invite a participant from Kazakhstan.

We also like the format of the TikTok series. We have launched the first series, and it is gaining good views and comments. Therefore, we will work more in this direction and delight subscribers with interesting content.

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