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Contemporary painters of Kazakhstan whose work you should know


Contemporary painters of Kazakhstan whose work you should know

Akmaral Abulkhair

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Artist-illustrator, also known as Musia. Akmaral's artworks focus on the inner world and finding a place in the world. Akmaral founded her own creative association PinkFull. In 2015, she held her first solo exhibition.

Vyacheslav Lyuiko

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Painter, graphic artist. He held over 25 exhibitions in Kazakhstan. His artworks contain elements of avant-garde, aesthetics, and conceptualism. Most of his artworks are in private collections in Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, the USA, Canada, Turkey, and other countries.

Akzhana Abdalieva

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Talented painter, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan. She already became recognized abroad, and her artworks are bought in the USA, Germany, and Switzerland. Akzhana has a doctoral degree in the field of fine arts.

Eugene Fridlin

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Artist-painter, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, winner of Shabyt International Festival of Creative Youth. His artworks can be seen in the A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts. Some of his artworks are in private collections in Italy, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain.

Nelly Bube

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Artist-painter, honored worker of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Nelly's technique combines painting, drawing, collage, and glazing. Her artworks recognized and loved in Kazakhstan and abroad. Nelly is a participant of many international and national exhibitions and competitions.

Lisa Ray

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Surrealist-artist from Almaty, Kazakhstan member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan. Her artworks full of illusion and deception, the limitations of human vision and understanding of the world. In 2016, Lisa moved from Almaty to Saint Petersburg.

Yuriy Harchenko

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An old-school artist and well-known sculptor. His recognizable style is an elusive ether and powerful technique. Yuriy’s artworks are bought for private collections in Kazakhstan, Russia, the Philippines, the United States, Canada, Germany, France, and China.

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