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Common manners and customs in Japan


Common manners and customs in Japan


Traditional bow in Japan, a universal gesture of Japanese etiquette. Bowing is used to greet, thank, apologize, make a request or ask someone a favor. Depending on the situation, the type of bow and duration may be different.


In Japan smiling is also a form of etiquette that signifies the victory of the spirit in confronting difficulties and failures. Smiling in Japan is part of social responsibilities.


Japan has a strong gift-giving culture. There are two special periods in summer and winter when everyone gives gifts to each other. In Japan, it is also not accepted to unwrap a gift at once.


A Japanese term for the traditional way of sitting on the floor. Seiza is an appropriate way of sitting for both genders. Seiza involves sitting down on the floor and not on a chair. Foreigners are not usually expected to be able to sit in seiza-style.


The honored seat which is located farthest from the entrance. In a room, the kamiza is the seat or position that is most comfortable, usually furthest from the door.


Greetings are an extremely important part of Japanese culture. Different forms of greetings may be used depending on the relative social statuses of the speaker and the listener.

Business cards

In Japan, business cards should be exchanged with care, at the very start of the meeting. Standing opposite each person, people exchanging cards offer them with both hands so that the other person can read it.

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