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  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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About myself

I love my family, work and I literally live these two worlds.

The most important thing for me is my family, my love and a strong support to my husband and children. Yes, I am a happy woman.


I have three children. The eldest son is to finish his studies in Israel, while younger sons live here with us.

We adore attending concerts, theaters, cinemas. We like walking in the parks and visiting Saryarka Mall, as they set out board games on Sundays so that everyone can play. I prefer the right bank of Astana, since it is a habitable area where one can feel the history.

I do really love cooking and everything about household, home.

I’ve been drawing since childhood. Having studied at an art school, I graduated from the university as a scenic designer. Computers appeared soon after the graduation and I immediately began learning computer graphics. Drawing comics is a very interesting and fascinating activity, as you create the world, characters, costumes, room. Last years before we moved to Astana I drew computer games.


Now I am working at the Embassy as a press cultural attaché and believe that I will have the opportunity to draw and make creative projects. I would like to hold an exhibition in Astana and invite an Israeli band.

I like drawing in the style of Urban Sketchers. I learned that way of drawing while we lived in London. Unfortunately, there are no communities that work in this style in Astana. By the way, that move is rather popular today. The group members walk around the city or sit in a café, drawing city scenes. I had several exhibitions in London.

I used to write poetry, more often than I do it now. For me it makes no difference whether to draw or to write – both are the ways of expressing myself. I write funny poems and draw funny pictures, because Life is a cool thing!

About Astana


I like Astana. The city’s clean, beautiful and small. I have already got used to it. Oh, I am driving here now, by the way. Moreover, I’ve painted Astana in the style of Urban Sketchers.

The cities I’m keen on are Tel Aviv and Moscow. Tel Aviv is the city of power. When I'm there, no matter if I’m in the downtown or not, I feel like levitating. The only thing I need to feel better is to touch the wall of any house. As for Moscow, we lived there for five years and I felt really good.

To tell the truth, Astana is to become the third city in my list. Tel Aviv and Astana are absolutely different cities. Tel Aviv is a resort town and now it's +38 degrees there. I like local weather though Astana is much colder. I’m going to live here with great pleasure.

Astana and Moscow have some resemblances. They both try a lot of new things: different cafes, projects, youth movements are being created here every now and then. But the thing is that it is necessary to look carefully for them in Astana. Yet I like that new culture is alive. It is developing and that’s amazing.

For me at least, Astana is a city that is eager to succeed.

Partial people and their life time projects


My life time project is to support my family, and painting really helps to cope with it. Having the one by your side with the passion to something is such a great thing.

I dare to guess that painting would be the main thing in my life but for such a cool family and a wonderful husband. I have been married for 20 years, my husband and I have known each other for 26 years, since we met at the university.

The state of the spirit for today

I feel that I'm lucky. I love my life, and I regard everything that happens in my life as a marvelous gift.

My husband is an unusual diplomat. He has such a passionate enthusiasm and an inexhaustible source of inspiration, as if the attaché was a very creative profession. He is literally in love with everything he does. I'll be happy if he works out everything he dreams of.

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