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  • Наш Человек в общении с окружением честен и справедлив, порядочен и верен

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  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Coffee with Michal Shapiro

Michal Shapiro

67 years old, from New York, Artist, video blogger


Coffee with Michal Shapiro

About myself

I love what I do. I am an artist, writer and musician. For all my life I’ve studied music, but seriously got carried away by it in the 90's, after having started working in the world music journalism.

I like to sing, I write music. I believe that in order to love music you just need to give it more time and attention. After you start to understand and perceive it, you will like it. That applies not to music only, but to everything related to art.


I started blogging working as a director of a TV music program about different countries’ cultures. I attended musical performances not only in NY, but also in other cities and represented it all on my blog. Now I talk not about music, but about travelling, culture and food as well. I blog at huffingtonpost.com and on the site about travelling, which isworldmusicandculture.com.

I’ve got one more site michalshapiro.com, where I show my pictures, as I am an abstract artist.

Many creative people can work simultaneously in several directions.


And I also adore reading and rarely go out without a book in my hands. My taste depended on my age, but the very first book that I fell in love with is called "13 hours" by James Terbe. The plot was usual, though I was amazed at the language with which the book was written. I discovered a humorous style. I like “War and Peace”, which I’ve read several times and in several languages. I loved reading this novel to my older sister.

About Astana

The desire to visit Kazakhstan awoke after reading the book "Apples from Kazakhstan" by Christopher Robbins.

I think that Astana is a unique city. I can name only a few of the same unusual cities such as Brasilia built at the former jungle area, Las Vegas built in the middle of the desert and Dubai. These cities are similar to Astana as they were also built in unusual conditions.


I think that the President wanted to build a modern city literally out of nothing. He thinks about the future generation. I feel that Astana is really a city of the future, though I'm only two and a half days here.

I liked the building of the Central Concert Hall, which impressed me a lot. “The Astana Opera and Ballet Theater” amazed me too. I could hardly concentrate on anything. I wanted to see everything: its hall, the stage. Finally I got tired, since the building is huge.

I think that Astana has not yet found its final appearance. Here you can find old and new buildings, but at the same time, each building is different from each other. In the museum I liked the room showing how the city was built.

I liked the laser show, which I saw on the waterfront. I felt myself a child.

I'm shooting a film about Kazakhstan, which will be released on The Huffington Post and on my platform blog.

Caring people and their life inspiration


I’ve always been inspired by music, art and people. I’m old-fashioned, yet I like modern installations too. I was at the National Museum, and was impressed by the large chair installation. It's modern and inspiring.

I like both the mid-19th century and modern paintings, but I'm not a big fan of Picasso or Andy Warhol.

I was always inspired by people who continued to be creative in spite of anything. People are inspired by different sources, but I think that the desire to create lies in a human DNA.

Current state of spirit

I wish to stay longer here to meet more different and interesting people, to understand the city better. I know that I can learn a lot.

I think that we should appreciate our life and be grateful to things we’re doing, no matter how difficult they are sometimes.

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