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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

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Coffee with Athanasios Koukoutsakis


Coffee with Athanasios Koukoutsakis

About myself

I like to travel. The main thing that I like about it is getting valuable experience. I visited 146 countries, my goal is to visit all 193. I like to combine traveling with other interesting things. For example, I like mountaineering and scuba diving. If I come to a country with high mountains, I definitely try to climb on them, and one day I hope to conquer Mount Everest.


My most amazing experience in scuba diving was on an island in the South Pacific in Vanuatu, I sank to a depth of 45 meters. During my dives I saw stingrays and sharks closely. In fact, sharks do not eat people, they do not see food in us. Once I touched a shark-nanny. It never harms people. Reef sharks don’t attack you as well. The most dangerous shark is the white one. During my trip across Alaska I saw sea lions, whales - it was a fantastic expedition.

I like to travel using a bike. For example in Mongolia, most of my trip I went on a bike. They have almost no roads, so I had to travel along the steppes and off-road. I stayed in the tent, once I was even invited to spend the night in a yurt. I always take solar panels, thanks to which I can charge my electronic devices, even being in the steppe or desert. That is convenient and environmentally friendly.


There are things that change with age, with the acquisition of experience. But at the moment my main life principle is to live a life where I learn something new. I do not like being in the zone of my comfort, it is important for me to constantly go out from there. Sometimes I wake up and until I open my eyes I do not know which side of the bed I need to get up from. Sometimes I wake up and do not know where I am. Just after lying for a while, I remember where I had fallen asleep.

About Astana

I visited Astana for the first time in May 2016, now it is my second visit. I was here in the spring in May, but it was too cold.


This time I was warned by friends about the weather, so I dressed up warmly. It’s cold in the mountains and I have appropriate warm thermo clothing. Now I am wearing warm boots, which I specially bought for Lapland.

I’m learning Russian, so when I go somewhere I speak Russian. I ask people to talk to me in Russian.

The architecture in Astana is incredible and exciting. These buildings are very photogenic; I took a lot of pictures of all the interesting buildings.

I happened to have an interesting story in Astana. When I first came here, I went to the CrossFit. My Russian was much worse and I was startled that the people who owned the gym lived in Spain and spoke Spanish. Therefore, my very first experience in a Kazakh CrossFit was in Spanish.


Caring people and their life mission

The business of my life is to grow as a person, to develop. I need to learn things not superficially, but deeply. That's why I study languages. Knowledge of languages helps to immerse more deeply in the culture, the country and get more experience while travelling.

Now I work for "Doctors without Borders" organization. It’s an international organization providing medical care to people affected by armed conflict and natural disasters. I'm not a doctor, but I will work in logistics.


Current state of mind

I feel great, happy and completely satisfied with my life.

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