
Recommend an inspiring person

WE matter who is close to us and to our families. We wish to be close to us only reliable people who can be trusted.

    Наши люди WE:

  • Наш Человек стремится создавать то, что улучшает жизнь людей

  • Наш Человек в общении с окружением честен и справедлив, порядочен и верен

  • Вы доверяете ему и уверены в его искренности

  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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About Astana

In August 2015 I moved to Astana, it was my first visit to Kazakhstan. I came here to launch the 2GIS Astana project.

Before coming here I saw a lot of videos and photos of Astana. Also, my friend, who was already in Astana, shared impressions about the city and told me what the thing was.

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Having arrived, I found my expectations and real impressions to coincide. I was interested in everything. The very first day I arrived I went to the Water-Green Boulevard, to look at the Baiterek. It’s not only a symbol of Astana, but also a symbol of the whole Kazakhstan, which is recognized all over the world. I was ecstatic about architecture. Some people say that the city may not have a single style, but I like it. These buildings are unique.

I was frightened by the coming winter, I was said it was too frosty. The thing is that I grew up and studied in Yakutia, so I’m not scared of cold. For example, today, on May 22, it’s snowing in Yakutia. Once it was snowing in June!

When it’s +25 in the daytime, I go out in a T-shirt. Then it’s getting windy and I have to put on a jacket. You look out of the window and see someone walking in a T-shirt and shorts, someone in a jacket: “He must be preparing for the evening!” This is the only thing that we still cannot used to.

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As for the local cuisine, we’ve tried beshbarmak. Moreover, my wife tried to cook it twice. We’ve got some friends here, who told us how to make beshbarmak. For the first time we did not work it out, ingredients stuck together and sodden. We clarified what the thing was, and then we made it.

We have no grandparents by our side to leave them our kids. I and my wife sometimes want to enjoy Astana on our own: I see many interesting places to walk, hang out, talk with a spouse. I like that Astana has many family places. All kinds of developing clubs, swimming pools, shopping centers, mini zoos, large playgrounds are great.

I adore the embankment and the park. There we can safely walk, sit on benches. Also, I like that it’s clean here, I love birds chirping and children running around, jumping. In the winter, at first, we were keen on going shopping. I was told to go to Khan Shatyr, as it’s a well-known architectural masterpiece. Now we are to visit Hazret Sultan mosque and need to know the things in advance: time to visit, some rules. To tell the truth, we’re excited about that.

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In Astana everyone is fluent in both Kazakh and Russian. It was amazing for me to hear the conversation of young children who first spoke Kazakh, and then without any accent switched to Russian, and then back to Kazakh. I think it's great.

As a car owner, I like your clean roads, however many constructions you have. In Russia in such cases a car and a cabin get dusty due to the trucks constantly driving.

At first it was strange to hear terrible beeping all the time. As soon as it’s a green light, drivers start beeping crazily! That startles all the guests of your city. At the beginning I turned around, thought what was going on, for me it was a sign that I had done something wrong. At first it was wild for me, now I’m used to it.

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I love your city. I believe that real patriotism towards your country is a love just the way it is. At the same time you need to strive to make your country better.

I’ll never forget your sky. I really like it. It is different here. I cannot explain it in words, it needs to be seen. You should appreciate that and raise your eyes up more often.

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