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Christmas Spirit and Gifts: Representatives of the Association of Spouses of Ambassadors on Kazakhstan and the Christmas Bazaar


Christmas Spirit and Gifts: Representatives of the Association of Spouses of Ambassadors on Kazakhstan and the Christmas Bazaar

On December 4, Astana will host the 13th Christmas Charity Bazaar, which will be attended by embassies from 45 countries. We spoke with Ambassadors Spouse Association representatives and found out what interesting things are waiting for guests this year.

Lenise Garcia Correa Barbosa, President of the Ambassadors Spouse Association, wife of the Ambassador of Brazil to Kazakhstan, @asa.kazakhstan

Božena Šabanovič, wife of the Ambassador of Croatia to Kazakhstan


About myself

Lenise. We have been living in Kazakhstan since March 2020. Most of the time spent in lockdown. It was only at the beginning of this year that we began to really get to know the country, meet people, attend events.

Kazakhstan is a beautiful country in which we have a great life. Surprised by the weather. Here for the first time I felt minus 30 degrees. My home country is on the opposite side of the thermometer.

Kazakhstan is a beautiful country in which we have a great life

I am glad that now, after two years, we again have the opportunity to hold the Christmas Charity Bazaar. It has already become our tradition. And its resumption means that things are back to normal after the lockdown.

Božena. This is my fourth year in Kazakhstan. I like the country. It is safe to live. There are many beautiful places here. I have been to Shymkent, Turkestan, Almaty and Karaganda. Liked Borovoe. This place has a cool golf club that my husband loves to play. And there are beautiful lakes and mountains.


I arrived in Kazakhstan on December 28. It was cold, minus 37 degrees. This came as a shock to me. But I'm used to it. I know what to wear to keep warm. There is also a great tourism potential in Kazakhstan.

This year I will participate in the Christmas Charity Bazaar for the second time. At the last event, she was involved in the Volunteer Committee. I worked a lot with students. They helped us a lot.

Despite the lockdown, the Ambassadors Spouse Association continued its work. So, last year we held a Charity Drive, during which we helped 35 charitable organizations.

About the Christmas Charity Bazaar

Božena. We are happy to host the Christmas Charity Bazaar again. Its participants will be able to visit 45 countries in just a few hours, moving from the stand of one country to another, tasting national food, drinks, talking with representatives of countries. By the end of the day, we will know how many donations we have collected and we will give them to charities.

We are happy to host the Christmas Charity Bazaar again

Lenise. This year, the Christmas Charity Bazaar will be held on December 4 in the main hall of the Radisson Hotel Astana from 11:00 to 18:00. In addition to the stands of embassies and charitable organizations, we will hold a big lottery. This year we will draw prizes from Air Astana, Air Arabia Airlines, Freywille, Laurastar, Chef Group and more. In addition, each embassy will hand over a basket of products and goods from their country. This is the cultural aspect of the event, which introduces participants to national traditions.

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People can participate by purchasing a ticket. Organizations and companies in Kazakhstan can also participate by donating something as a prize for the draw.

Božena. We are constantly developing. Every year we try to do something new: prizes, dishes, artists who perform at the event.

Lenise. Every year is unique. We do not have a magic formula that we use every year. We take the experience of previous events and bring a fresh look. Members of the Ambassadors Spouse Association committee collect ideas from various participants: from embassies to universities that help us with volunteers.

Božena. In 2019, we managed to raise 35 million tenge. We hope that this year the donations will be no less, and we will be able to help those who really need it.

All proceeds from the Christmas Bazaar will go to help 35 Kazakh charitable organizations.

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