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Chingiz Aitmatov. 9 facts about the most famous writer from Kyrgyzstan


Chingiz Aitmatov. 9 facts about the most famous writer from Kyrgyzstan

A writer whose work is familiar to everyone in Central Asia.


Source of the photo: limon.kg

Chingiz Aitmatov is a writer and diplomat. He gained fame during his lifetime. The story Jamila, which was published in 1958, brought him great fame.

Aitmatov's first work of art is the story "Newsman Juido". It was published in 1952 when the writer was 24 years old.

Chingiz Aitmatov knew both Kyrgyz and Russian well. Therefore, he created works in two languages. Later, his works were translated into many languages.

Aitmatov's merits in the field of literature were highly appreciated by the world community, he was awarded numerous prestigious awards. He was even nominated for the title of Nobel laureate.

Till Lindemann, the leader and vocalist of the Rammstein group, called Chingiz Aitmatov his favorite writer.

The work of Chingiz Aitmatov became the basis for 30 films.

Chingiz Aitmatov wrote all the manuscripts by hand, without using a typewriter.

Chingiz Aitmatov's books are distinguished by love for man and all living things. The writer loved life in all its manifestations.

In his works, Aitmatov always admired the beauty of women, their willpower and character.

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