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Chinese company to build another solar power plant in Kyrgyzstan


Chinese company to build another solar power plant in Kyrgyzstan

The Chinese company "Sun Energy Co" has already started equipping government institutions in the Batken region with solar panels.

In the village of Ak-Turpak in the Kadamjay district of the Batken region, construction will begin on a 250-megawatt solar power plant. The project will be implemented by the Chinese company "Sun Energy Co," which will invest 230 million dollars. The site will occupy an area of 670 hectares, as reported by the presidential representative office in the Batken region.

Currently, the company has already installed solar panels on the roof of the presidential representative office building in Batken. In the future, the authorities plan to switch other government institutions to alternative energy sources as well. The timeline for the completion of construction has not yet been announced.

It is worth noting that earlier Chinese investors began the construction of a 100-megawatt solar power plant in the Kemin district of the Chuy region. This project will produce 155 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 140 000 tons, and create about 500 jobs.

Source: centralasia.news

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