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Central Asia’s eventful week: don’t miss these September highlights


Central Asia’s eventful week: don’t miss these September highlights

This week in September, Central Asia is buzzing with events! From tech forums and film festivals to concerts and cultural gatherings, there’s plenty to see and do across Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan.


Women ICT Frontier Training

When: September 3-5

Where: Astana

Training for women in ICT: empowering women entrepreneurs through digital transformation.

Baiqonyr Film Festival

When: September 3-8

Where: Almaty

A unique cultural event with no analogs in Kazakhstan. Baiqonyr IFF showcases the work of young filmmakers from the CIS countries, the Baltics, and Georgia. It is a launchpad for the creative "take-off" of festival participants and the discovery of new names.

Digital Wave Forum

When: September 5

Where: Almaty

The Central Asian Advertising Association will host the Digital Wave conference for digital specialists in the advertising and media industry in Almaty in early autumn 2024.

Kazakhstan Tech Solution Day

When: September 5

Where: Astana

More than 100 startups and IT companies will present their latest technologies at the exhibition. Join to be at the center of the IT world.

Astana Finance Days

When: September 5-6

Where: Astana

AIFC invites you to the annual financial conference Astana Finance Days 2024 to participate in discussions, networking, and presentations from leading financial industry experts.

FCBK 2024

When: September 6

Where: Almaty

The theme of FCBK 2024 is dedicated to the development and digitalization of small and medium-sized businesses. The conference will be beneficial for representatives and leaders of SMEs, financial organizations, and IT companies.

Yandex Park Live

When: September 6-8

Where: Almaty

Tens of thousands of music lovers and a new attraction for festival culture in Central Asia. The lineup of artists is impressive!


Tester’s Day 2024

When: September 7

Where: Bishkek

Join the celebration of International Tester's Day to participate in a discussion session, share your cases, discuss other experts' opinions, and test your knowledge in a team game.

Solo Concert of NILO

When: September 7

Where: Bishkek

We invite you to an unforgettable evening with the author and performer of hits like "Unesi Reka," "Babochka," and other soulful compositions.

Freedom Valley Fest 2024

When: September 7

Where: Bishkek

This incredible show, which has become popular in many countries around the world, will finally come to Kyrgyzstan. It will be part of a music festival. The organizers of the Freedom Valley music festival promise an unforgettable performance for all spectators.


Art Day

When: September 3

Where: Tashkent

Lecture: "What is the story behind the creation of the 'Louvre in the Desert'? What makes it unique?" The event will be held in collaboration with Ambassadors of the Savitsky Art Museum.

Concert of Tyga

When: September 6

Where: Tashkent

Tyga, an American rapper, quickly gained fame among fans of the genre, becoming one of the brightest discoveries of the modern era. Today, the musician consistently holds top positions in global music charts and hit parades.

Teplo Festival

When: September 7-8

Where: Tashkent

You can expect a market, music, food court, lectures and master classes, games for adults and children, and a reading corner.

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