Have you noticed peculiar names of the main streets of Astana, and you didn’t quite understand why streets are named after them? WE help you in this article by explaining who all these people were, and what they did for this country to deserve such honour and respect. By the way, not only the streets in Astana but almost in entire Kazakhstan, streets are named after these great personalities with illustrious past and exemplary service to this country.
The main Astana streets and avenues are: Kenesary, Abylai khan, Abai, Kabanbai batyr, Bogenbay batyr, Kerey and Zhanibek, Auezov, Kuishy Dina, and Kunayev.
Kerey Khan (1425 — 1473) and Zhanibek Khan (1428 — 1480) were the founders of Kazakh khanate in 1459 and began the history of Kazakhstan as a new state. People, who suffered from the cruelty of Abu-l-Khair-khan, helped Kerey and Zhanibek to establish the first Kazakh khanate.
Abylai khan or Abilmansur (1711 — 1781) was a Kazakh Khan of the Middle juz (Orta juz in Kazakh). The aim of the Abylai khan was to create a strong and independent Kazakh state. He participated in the most significant battles against Jungars from 1720s to 1750s and achieved a tile of “batyr” (hero). We owe him entirely for protecting our state from Jungars.
Bogenbay batyr (1680 — 1778) was famous Kazakh warrior. He actively participated in the fight against Jugar invasion along with Abylai Khan. In 1729, he was the commander of Anrakay battle — one of the greatest battles against Jungars. We won this battle because of the valiant efforts from young batyrs: Kabanbay and Raiymbek alongside the finest leadership of Bogenbay batyr.
Kabanbay batyr (1691 — 1770), whose real name — Erasyl, was a Kazakh batyr, a commander, and one of the organizers of national liberation movement against Jungars. The batyr participated in the struggle for liberation of cities such as Sairam, Tashkent, and territory of the eastern part of Kazakhstan. All his life, he was in the front of the battles, in total 103 of them. Batyr was very strong, and legend has it that he could lift a horse on his shoulders.
Kenesary Kasymov (1802—1847) was a Kazakh statesman, commander, well-known sultan and grandson of Abylai khan. He was the leader of national liberation movement of Kazakhs against colonization by Russian Empire from 1837 to 1847.
Abai (Ibrahim) Qunanbaiuli (1845 — 1904) was a well-known Kazakh poet, composer and philosopher. The poet translated poems written by Mikhail Lermontov, Lord Byron, Ivan Krylov, Alexander Pushkin and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in addition to his own writings, A. Kunanbayev’s famous work is “Qara sozder” — “Book of words” or “Words of edification” where he reflects his attitude about life problems and explains his decision of writing his thoughts.
Dina Nurpeisova (1861 — 1955) was a Kazakh composer, dombra player — Kuishy in Kazakh language — and an apprentice of legendary Kazakh composer and folk artist Kurmangazy Sagyrbaiuly. Kuishy Dina became well-known composer for her great skills in mixing old and modern styles of dombra playing. Her compositions “Bulbul” (Arabesque), “Zhiger” (“Energy”) and other works have become the classical dombra works for Kazakh nation.
Mukhtar Auezov (1897 — 1961) was a Kazakh writer, social activist, and professor. He grew up under the influence of Abay. The poet’s childhood was led in aul (nomadic village) and he reflected on his memories in his works. His one of the greatest novels is “Abai Zholy” — “The Path of Abay” where he describes the same village, steppe, social environment etc. as experienced by Abai.
All of these noted personalities played an important role, and had a great influence in building Kazakhstan as an independent country. They expressed their desire, will and passion to create free land for future generations who need to remember a