Mark Sikorski, 64 years old, hometown — Chicago, teacher
About life
I have been teaching for many years — worked as a teacher in the elementary and high school in America for 27 years. And after I retired, I started working abroad. I taught in Turkey, Mongolia. After that, I was offered to work at QSI international school in Astana.
Most of the time I taught mathematics, but also reading, writing, cultural studies, science. I'm teaching fourth grade now. The school is international, therefore, here students from everywhere. It's fun.
About Astana
I am three months in Astana. Before arrival, I knew almost nothing about the country, but I made inquiries.
Astana is known for winters with strong winds, but this does not scare me. I spent four years in Mongolia, the capital of which is the coldest capital in the world. I have the experience to compare. I brought my cashmere clothes. I know how to prepare for winter.
My first impression of Astana is a clean and beautiful city. There is some initial architecture of the old town, but everything else is new and modern. Everything that has been done over the past 20 years is impressive.
About people
All the people here are friendly. It was easy for me to get used to my work. Problems always appear, but they are solvable, especially when people are willing to help. I love my job. When I first arrived, I didn't know anyone, just a few people I had been emailing about work. But the city has a supportive environment for those who have moved. Everyone is trying helping, and my colleagues are nice and support me.
As everywhere, drivers in Astana can sometimes be aggressive, but they always stop in front of pedestrians. When I'm on the bicycle, they give me the way.
I'll live here for two years, maybe longer. Hopefully longer, because I like the city. I like places and meet a lot of interesting people. That's a good reason to stay.
About shopping
I went to Mega Silk Way, Khan Shatyr, Gastronom, Galmart, Keruen City. Most places are close to my house, so I walk and cycle.
I've been to «Artem» a couple of times. I love coffee with honey, so I bought much honey there. In America, I was a beekeeper for ten years. I had a small apiary where I collected my own honey. I am well versed in honey, tried it in more than ten countries. And I can say that in Astana the honey that I buy is very good.
About infrastructure
In addition to cleanliness, the roads are nice and smooth. I like the night lighting of the city and that there are many buildings and bridges that are illuminated. It's nice to look at.
I have no problem getting around the city. The capital has a good public transport system. I haven't used the buses yet but have studied the system, and have a bus map. It is convenient to drive Uber in Astana.
About travelling
I love to travel and have visited 31 countries in my life. One of my favourite countries to travel to Vietnam. I like food and people there. I also like Japan, because if you go out of the big city there peacefully. I can easily imagine living on a small farm in a village. It's fascinating. And, of course, I love Australia — it's clean, easy to travel, and my son lives there.
Once upon a time, I made a camping trip to the highest point of California. Years later, I started looking for places to hike on the map and saw they were near my state of Colorado. At the same time, I found information about a mountaineering club full of crazy people, one of whom I wanted to become. We've been climbing all the highest mountains in 50 States for 20 years. Most often I had to travel all over America, and it took a long time. In its own way, it was a challenge. The last ascent I made to the highest point of Alaska, it is the highest point of the continent of North America.
Half of the States I visited with the group and half of the ascents I made myself. But all single ascents were easy, the mountains were not high, for example, States like Florida, because it is a flat state, there are no high points.
I love adventure, and my love of adventure has brought me to Kazakhstan. I'm glad.