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A foreigner from Nepal about life in Kyrgyzstan, the best places to travel and traditional food

Shameer Khanal

city — Bishkek, GIZ Program Manager in Kyrgyzstan, linkedin


A foreigner from Nepal about life in Kyrgyzstan, the best places to travel and traditional food

Shameer Khanal is a specialist in the field of sustainable economic development. For the past few years he has been living and working in Kyrgyzstan, where he leads the program of the German Agency for International Cooperation. In an interview, he spoke about how he sees the country and people.


About myself

I am from Nepal. Received an MBA in Finance from the USA. I worked as a consultant in American organizations such as JPMorgan Chase & Co, General Electric. I examined financial structures, forecasted trends. While working, I learned about the direction of Development Cooperation. The main focus here is nation-states and their development. I realized that I wanted to use my skills and knowledge to help the people of different countries live better, increase income and develop workplaces.

In the corporate world, it's hard to see how your activities affect the world around you. After all, you are only part of a larger mechanism. That's why I love the work I'm doing now. Here you can see how the efforts of each person are changing the world around them at all levels, from farmers who begin to use more environmentally friendly methods of growing crops, to governments that are developing new policies for the development of a green economy.

I am an analyst. I love numbers. For the last 18 years I have been working in the international field, helping governments of different countries and private sector companies to develop a sustainable economy. It gives me pleasure to understand development trends. The job allows me to travel, meet new people, see small villages and cities.

About moving

Our work is based on the project-principle. Once one ends, you need to move on. Typically, projects last three to four years. After it ends, we consider different options and choose the one where we can help the most.

We operate globally. Previously, I worked in Nepal. Then I spent more than five years in Uzbekistan. After that lived in Laos, where my activities extended to three more countries: Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar.

About four years ago I received an invitation to come to Kyrgyzstan. I was interested in working here. This is a small beautiful country that is taking steps towards building a green economy. I decided that this is the best place for my skills. I knew that the country was safe, so I came with my family.

I first visited Kyrgyzstan in 2010 during a short business trip. Then I saw how friendly people are here. I liked that Bishkek is a green city. Arriving for a longer period, I was convinced of the fidelity of first impressions.

About activities

I work for the German Agency for International Cooperation. It is a global organization with offices in 90 countries around the world. Our main goal is simple — to make the future better for everyone. We operate in several areas: from the economy to education and the healthcare system.

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We are working on the implementation of development policies. If necessary, we direct the activities of local organizations and give advice. We organize the exchange of successful experience between countries. Build relationships with local partners. In Kyrgyzstan, we conduct professional trainings on economic development and healthcare.

I am the head of the program in Kyrgyzstan. I manage different teams that work directly with local organizations. I give them ideas, directions for development. I administer projects. In addition, I make sure that financial resources are spent efficiently and have a real impact on the situation. Our main investor is Germany. In addition, we are sponsored by the European Union and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

About people and traditions

Even while studying in the USA, I met students from Central Asia. I remember that they often got together, cooked national food, invited everyone to participate. This kind of unity and solidarity has always characterized the region for me.

Once in Kyrgyzstan, I realized that people here are incredibly friendly. Literally in the first week of my stay, I was invited to a wedding. Invited to dance, to become part of society.

Once in Kyrgyzstan, I realized that people here are incredibly friendly

For work, I often travel to small villages. Locals always invite home, set the table and put all the best. It amazes me how much guests are valued here.

Cultural life is well developed in Bishkek. Here you can visit the theater and see world-class ballet, and excellent performances are held at the local philharmonic society.

Once I was lucky to see a kok-boru competition. It is similar to English polo, but looks more complicated. I love attending such national events.

About Kyrgyzstan

I have been to almost every corner of the country. Every time I come to the southern regions, I add a couple of kilograms. The food here is great. In Osh, they cook the best samsa that I have tried. They also make delicious smoke here. Pilaf is wonderful in all regions of the country. Traditional soups are a special treat.

To enjoy nature, I go to the north of Kyrgyzstan. It is impossible not to mention Issyk-Kul - an atmospheric place where you can recharge. I love trekking in Ala-Archa National Park. Once I visited Chon-Kemin with my family. Here you can feel the traditional life of the Kyrgyz. For me, it was a unique chance to understand how farmers work.

About plans

In November, I finish my activities in Kyrgyzstan. During this time, we started projects and built a structure that will help in the further development of the country. Next stop is Indonesia where I will be doing similar things.

My family and I lived for four years in this wonderful country. We will take a part of Kyrgyzstan with us.

Photo source: mydreamsmagazine.com

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