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9 unusual Kazakh traditions


9 unusual Kazakh traditions

We tell you about unusual kazakh traditions.

Bosaga mailau


When newlyweds get married or someone moves to a new house, then relatives smear the threshold and jambs with oil. This is done to ensure that the house is as prosperous as butter, so that many guests visit it. To the one who performs this rite, the owners of the house give a gift.


Kazakhs put their children in the place where the guest sat and spent the night. According to legend, a piece of this person's giftedness passes to the baby. There is also a tradition of «tugan zherge aunatu». A person who had lived away from his native places for a long time should be buried in the ground upon returning to his homeland.



When the birth of a baby coincided with the appearance of offspring in animals, the child was given a newborn foal, lamb or goat. This animal became the first legal property of a small Kazakh. He was always looked after with the same care as a baby.

Bala beru

It is a tradition when Kazakhs gave a child to relatives for upbringing. As a rule, families who had many children gave the youngest child to relatives who had no children. The child was brought up in someone else's family as his own. This allowed childless spouses to continue the family and facilitated the life of a large family.

At tergeu


This tradition is that girls could not call their husband's relatives by name. The custom expresses the respect and good breeding of the daughter-in-law in relation to the spouse's family. The girl could come up with various nicknames for new relatives, while it was necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the character of each family member.

Tabak tartu

The traditional rite of dividing meat between the guests of the Kazakhs. «Bas tabak» is the main meat tray for the most honored guests, usually elders. «Syy tabak» is also presented to honored guests, elderly people. «Zhastar tabak» is presented for young people. «Zhai tabak» is a standard tray for most guests.



Kazakh tradition, according to which relatives, friends and neighbors gratuitously help a family or a person who has difficulties. The tradition was often used during the construction of the house, when relatives and neighbors came to the rescue.


A rite for those leaving for a long journey. The custom is to accompany a person with all relatives and family. The family invites relatives and friends to visit, covers the dastarkhan, behind which people wish a good journey and give advice.

Bata beru


One of the ancient customs of the Kazakh people, the essence of which is the blessing of the elders. Traditionally, the honorary right of blessing was held by sages and elders, or seniors.

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