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8 guys from Central Asia who became models


8 guys from Central Asia who became models

Vladimir Morozov, @v_morozov

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Vladimir Morozov is a fitness trainer, model. Participated in Kazakhstan Fashion Week, worked in modeling agencies in Kazakhstan and Russia. In 2019, he won the international Mister Model Worldwide competition in India.

Berik Kazymzhanov, @berik_kazymzhanov

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Berik Kasymzhanov is a model from Kazakhstan. In 2018, he signed a contract with the British First Model Management in London. He was photographed for Vogue Magazine, participated in the London Fashion Week.

Adilbek Nurakayev, @adilbek_nurakayev

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Adilbek Nurakayev is a model and actor from Nur-Sultan, studying in China. Winner of the title Mr. Kazakhstan 2019. Represented the country at the Mr. World 2019 beauty contest. At fashion weeks, he shows the outfits of famous designers.

Eli Dyagilev, @vozhzd

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Eli Diaghilev is a Kazakhstani designer and model. Creates looks of artists for music videos. Participates in fashion shows.

Kemran Ilesov, @kemran.l

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Kamran Ilesov is a model of Up Models Agency in Bishkek. Represented the country in the Face of Asia 2019. Takes part in fashion shows and photo sessions.

Abdulaziz Rustamov, @laziz.rustamoov

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Abdulaziz Rustamov is a model from Uzbekistan. The winner of the LBMA Central Asia 2017. Now lives in the Philippines. Takes part in photoshoots for magazines and brands.

Shakhboz Makhmudov, @shakhbozofficial

Шахбоз Махмудов.jpg

Model and actor from Tashkent. In 2017, he received the title of Best Male Model at the Face of Asia competition in South Korea. He appears in commercials and music videos.

Jahongir Abdumalikov, @johnmalikov

Жахонгир Абдумаликов.jpg

Model and actor from Uzbekistan. Participant of the Face of Asia 2019 final. Starred in commercials for major brands, in music videos and TV series.

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